General - Basic
General > Basic
Code | This is the unique code entered when this Form type was created. In the example LOT is the code assigned to the Work Lot Form. This cannot be edited. |
Title / Short Title | Specify a Title and a Short Title for the Form. The Title is displayed on the top of the form. The Short Title is displayed in the Navigation Pane and when creating a new form of this type. It is recommended you enter an abbreviated title that clearly describes the type of Form. In most instances these are the same. |
Author | You can specify individual users, groups, roles, companies from the contact picker. In this example, the HC, PMG, RIB and SUB roles are able to create this form. MOBILE means that this form type is available on the mobile app. To show exclusions toggle on the button. |
Allow Creation Through New Button | Toggle on to allow users to be click on the plus sign to create a new form of this type. |
Admins | Form Administrators are able to edit the config of the Form. Add users, groups, roles that you want to be able to edit the configuration of the form. Click here for information on form administrators. Click here for information about adding users to the Document Type Admins in the Administrators tab. To show exclusions toggle on the button. |
Icon | The Icon will appear alongside the Form type name in the sub-menu of the module in the Navigation Pane. Click on the 3 dots to bring up an assortment of icons to choose from. |
Dashboard List Layout | Choose how this document type displays in a List from the Dashboard. Click here for how to edit the Dashboard List Layout. |
Default Register Columns | Click here for how to Configure Default Columns. |
Default Pinned Criteria | Pin the Criteria you would like to always make available during Search for this Form Click here for how to Configure Default Pinned Criteria. |
Currency | This applied to Contract Administration Forms only. If the Form type you are editing is NOT a CA type Form, this field will not display. The Currency can be determined on a Form by Form basis. The currency selected here will overwrite the default currency determined on the Contract Administration Module page. All Forms created with this Form type will use the currency defined here. |
Alt. Prefix | You may specify an alternative prefix to the document reference number. |
Filed | Specify a folder to file this Form type. Click on the blue arrow and choose a folder. |
Due | Specify the default due date. You may change the 7day default due date for the Form type. |
Exclude Weekends | If you do not want weekend days to be counted when calculating due dates, toggle the button on for "Excludes Weekend". Saved searches will also exclude weekends from the due date in the status/late column for the form type. |
Send Reminders | If you want reminders to be sent out, toggle on "Send Reminders". |
Days Before Due Date | To configure, firstly toggle on "Send Reminders" . Then enter the number of Days BEFORE the due date to issue a Reminder to the Action User of the Form. |
Display Attachments as Thumbnails | When this is toggled on, your Form will show attachments such as images, PDF's etc as a thumbnail. |
UserForm Version | This is either set at Classic or Modern. If you do not have access to the Form Editor drop down then you will not be able to change this option. The Classic form editor is no longer supported and these forms can only be edited by RIB. All new forms are created with the Modern Form Editor. Click here for more on the Form Editor. |
Text | Toggle Text Off gives you a “start typing to add a comment…” box at the bottom of your form. This is where default body text goes. Refer here for information regarding Default Text. |
Can Use List Controls | The List control can be configured to be a part of any UserForm. However, it is commonly used on the Quality Module on Form types such as an ITP. Always - List control is active in any status the Form is in. On Create/Draft - List Control is only active when Creating the Form or when Editing a Draft Form. On Create/Draft/Open - List Control is only active when Creating the Form or when Editing a Draft Form or when it still open. Cannot be edited when it is in a Closed Status. Never - List control is never active. |
Configure Which Users Can See the History / Viewers Section of the Form | Specify who can view the history and viewers on a form. If you choose All Users or you are a User in the Author’s Company you will be able to tick the Changes and Viewers checkbox to view the history of the form. If you choose User in the Author’s Company and you are not a user of the Author’s Company than you will not have the Changes and Viewers checkboxes. |
- 1 General > Basic
- 1.1 Code
- 1.2 Title / Short Title
- 1.3 Author
- 1.4 Allow Creation Through New Button
- 1.5 Admins
- 1.6 Icon
- 1.7 Dashboard List Layout
- 1.8 Default Register Columns
- 1.9 Default Pinned Criteria
- 1.10 Currency
- 1.11 Alt. Prefix
- 1.12 Filed
- 1.13 Due
- 1.14 Exclude Weekends
- 1.15 Send Reminders
- 1.16 Days Before Due Date
- 1.17 Display Attachments as Thumbnails
- 1.18 UserForm Version
- 1.19 Text
- 1.20 Can Use List Controls
- 1.21 Configure Which Users Can See the History / Viewers Section of the Form