Project Roles

Project Roles

Project Roles can be set up to manage how the members of your project collaborate. 

Roles are assigned to Companies on your project.   Default roles are:

CCNCoordinating Consultant
HCHead Contractor
PMGProject Management Group
RIBRIB Software 
SSCSpecialist Subcontractor 

Set Up Roles

To configure what Roles are available on your project;

1. Go to configure.

2. Modules.

3. Correspondence.

4. Contacts.

5. This will show you all the roles that are available for your project.

Want to Add a New Role?

If a role that is required for your project is not shown on this list you can add it by.

1. Adding a Code and a Description.

2. Then click Add Role.

3. Select "Latest: From the owner" "Latest: From the issuer" and "Latest: I can see".  To select the three options hold down your shift key when selecting. 

4. Click Update. 

You can access the above configuration section to edit default options by clicking on the Code of the Role.

Want to Remove a Role?

To remove a specific Role, click on the [x] button next to the Role name.

Roles in use cannot be deleted

Roles that are actively in use on your project cannot be deleted.

Want to Update a Role Description?

To update the Role Description, edit it and click Update.

Edit Notification Defaults

You can configure how users on your project will receive notifications.   Note that individual users can still edit how they want to receive their notifications.  Click here for how.

1. Click on Edit Notification Defaults.

Refer here for information about the difference between Email and Preview Email.

Refer here for information about the ToDo notification.