Damith Samarakoon
Rebecca David
Former user (Deleted)
You can organise users into groups to simplify the process of configuring a project. These groups can be used in addressing and security. They allow Project Administrators to manage the group members throughout the life of the project as different users come and go.
Where Can They Be Used?
User groups can be used in the following areas:
1. Distribution Rules / Lists.
2. In Action.
If a group has multiple members, it can only be used where the document type allows multiple action people.
3. In Info.
Notifications will be sent to each members in the group based on their individual notification settings.
4. In the Address Book.
5. The list of Status Approvers for a particular form.
For Classic Forms only, Groups cannot be muted and if there is a Company/Role within a Group, all users within that Company/Role will be notified.
User Fields
1. Can be used on a number of User Fields.
3. Security.
a) Who can create each document type.
b) Who can access certain statuses.
c) Who can access / edit certain user fields.
d) Who can access Dashboards.
e) Who can access Saved Searches.
f) Who can access Folders.
g) Who can access Modules.
Action Buttons
User Groups can be used when configuring action buttons for security and access purposes.
How Do I Use a Group in Configuration?
Wherever you normally type in a User ID, or Company ID etc. you can type in (GROUPNAME), which will allow access to all users that belong to that group, or a group / company within that group.
User Groups are also available within the Contact Picker.
Who Can Create and Edit Groups?
To create a new group in Contacts, you need to have either Project Admin or Module Admin permission. If you don't see the option to add a group, contact your Project Administrator and request access to the Contacts Module Admin role. You can find the steps to assign Module Admin roles in Module Administrators section of help.
How Can I Create or Edit a Group?
Under Contacts, you will now find a groups button in the toolbar.
From there you will get a list of all current groups. You can either edit an existing group or to create a new group, just click Add Group.
If you are a Project Administrator you can access groups from the configure menu.
When you add users to the group the group members full names are displayed.
What Does Allow Multiple Mean?
As groups can be used in addressing, quite often a form can only be actioned to one person at a time. If you have a group that has more then one member, it cannot be used in one of these form types.
This setting is there to help identify the groups that do allow multiple members, and to prevent additional members being added. If a form allows multiple action people, then this setting can be enabled, and the group can be actioned on that form.
What Does Enumerate Mean?
If the group is addressed on a form, upon submitting the form, the group name will be swapped to the actual members of the group.
This means configuration of the project is simplified and the enumerate function will address each user directly on the form.
For example, I created an NCR form that was sent to the Quality Manager (QUALITYMANAGER) group. When submitting this form it swapped (QUALITYMANAGER) to RB-QM. This means any reports or dashboards will now show that the NCR form is now for RB-QM's action.
When a group is enumerated the register will display MULTIPLE
When a group is not enumerated the register will display the group name.
For example, I created an NCR form that was sent to the Quality Manager (QUALITYMANAGER) group. If the group is enumerated, the register will display MULTIPLE. If the group is not enumerated, the register will display group name (QUALITYMANAGER).
Changing the enumeration settings will not be reflected in the existing forms unless we respond to the form and save it or make any changes to the form.
For example, if the NCR form that was created and sent to (QUALITYMANAGER) group and the group was enumerated at the time of form creation, the register will display MULTIPLE. However, if you change the enumeration settings on the group and disable the enumeration on a later date, the NCR form that was created and sent to (QUALITYMANAGER) will still show MULTIPLE. If we respond to the form and save it or make any changes, the group name (QUALITYMANAGER) will replace the MULTIPLE.
What does Applicability Mean?
This means what users can address this group or use it in security settings.
Users without applicability rights will not see the group in:
On the contact picker
Project Administrators can create and edit the applicability of group anytime.
Users who are not Project Administrators will be able to change the applicability of Distribution rules only when they are creating them
Bulk Add / Remove Users in Groups
1. To add or remove users click on the Manage Users option on the user groups screen.
2. Search for 1 or more users.
3. Tick the rows for which groups you wish to add the user (s) to and untick the groups you wish to remove the user (s) from. You can bulk select groups for a search by clicking box next to user's name.
4. Click next.
5. Review your changes and click Submit.
Retired Users Within User Groups
Users who are retired will now be shown in a greyed out style within a user group.
Can I Copy / Duplicate a Group ?
You can copy an existing User Group and its content via the copy tool
Can a Group Contain Another Group?
Yes, a group can contain another group, so long as that group doesn't already contain the group you are trying to add it to causing a circular reference.
For example, (MANAGERS) can contain two groups (PROJECTMANAGER) and (QUALITYMANAGER), but then (QUALITYMANAGER) could not contain (MANAGERS).
How Do Groups Work With the Who Talks to Whom Matrix?
In addressing, you will only see and be able to address groups where, based on the who talks to whom matrix, you are allowed to communicate with.
This means, if there is one person in a group that you are currently not allowed to communicate with, then you won't be able to see or address that group.
Can I See What Groups a User Belongs To?
Yes, if you don't have access to the groups configuration page, and you can view the users contact details, there is a new section that lists the groups they are part of:
Auditability of Changes Made to User Groups
All changes to user groups are also logged in user groups history.
Refer here for how to push Groups.