

Create a New Timeline

1. Configure.

2. Timelines.

3. A list of all available schedules on the project will show.

4. Click Add New Timeline.

5. Give your timeline a name.

6. Select who can view this timeline on your project. 

7. Select who can edit this timelines.   If you want to be the only user to edit this timeline put your user ID in here. 

8. Select which folder you would like your timelines to be filed under. 

9. Select the default timeline period eg week, month or year.

10. This can also be adjusted when editing an existing timeline view. 

11. Timeline Type 

Single Form Mode - Pick a single form type to display in a timeline according to the forms' date fields.

Multiple Form Mode -  Pick can display a single associated form type that belongs to a parent form. 

Create a Single Form Timeline

1. Follow steps 1 to 10 above.

2. Select Single Form Mode in Step 11.

3. Select your form.

4. Select your criteria.

5. Configure what columns you wish to see on the timeline.

6. Select whether you would like to group your forms by a particular field (fields with options are supported). 

7. Configure the order by which you want to see these forms (if more than one form is selected). 

8. Configure the start and end date fields. 

9. Choose Sorting by and Sorting Direction.   The default sort by is by Issued Date.

10. Click Save. 

Example of the timeline. Green represents closed, Red represents overdue and Orange represents open and no overdue or outstanding.

You can export to excel or configure the timeline if you have the rights to edit.

Creating a Multiple Form Mode Timeline

1. Follow steps 1 to 10 above.

2. Select Multiple Form Mode in Step 11.

3. Choose the parent form type.

4. Then configure the criteria for the form you wish to display.

5. Choose which columns you wish to see on the timeline.

6. Pick the group by field from the parent form and choose sorting order.

7. Under Timeline Configuration, choose the Task Form type you wish to display.

8. Select the criteria for the task forms you wish to display 

9. Pick the start and end dates 

10. Click Save.

Example of the timeline. This timelines shows all the Action Points associated with Lots. Green represents closed, Red represents overdue and Orange represents open and no overdue or outstanding.

You can export to excel or configure the timeline if you have the rights to edit.