Project Details

Project Details

Check Project Details

You need to be a Project Administrator to change Project Details.

If you have questions please contact RIB CX Support or speak to your Account Manager.

Once your RIB CX Project has been created by the RIB Account Manager you can confirm that the Project Details have been entered correctly by going into.

  • Configure.

  • Project Details.

If the details are correct. Click Submit. 

If not - speak to your Account Manager or directly change them and click Submit.


Project Name

Check that the Project Name is correct or edit accordingly.

Phone / Fax / Address / Postcode

Enter the primary contact details of the project. These details are displayed with the project details at the top of all forms in RIB CX. 

The email address is system generated.  You cannot change this. Use this to forward emails from your external email product into your CX project. Refer here for how to set this up.



Cannot be changed.


Select the default language used on this project. All new users created after this change will have this default language.  Existing users will need to change their language options under their Contact Details (Click here).

Time Zone

This is the time zone of the project measured in hours offset from Brisbane Australia time. 

Template Project

This is the template name that your project was copied from. Only projects created after 19 October 2022 will have this information populated.



The Project Administrator(s) are defined here.  Project Administrator(s) are the only users that have access to the Configuration Module.  


Supported By

Nominate the user(s) to be contacted for primary support and enter the times they are available between.


Help Desk

Specify the default Help Desk telephone number for this Project. The RIB CX Help Desk is the default number set.


Contact Name and Email Address

Customise the contact name and email address that appears at the bottom of a standard RIB CX email notification.


This only applies to the standard (e) notification emails. It does not apply to the Preview Email notifications.


Enable Spell Check, Faxing, Attachments and Set Email Importance 


Here you can enable or disable project wide settings, such as:

  • Spell check on drafts

  • Faxing

  • Attachment Review / Approval

  • Email Sent Importance

Project Level Email Notification


Email Notification "Send Emails (e)"

  1. Unticked: Disables and unticks the "Email" column in user notification settings. Users will no longer receive Email (e) notifications.

  2. Ticked: Enables the "Email" column, allowing users to configure individual Email (e) notification preferences.

Send Preview Emails (E)

  1. Unticked: Disables and unticks the "Preview Email" column. Users will not receive preview (E) emails.

  2. Ticked: Enables the "Preview Email" column, allowing users to configure settings for preview emails (E).

 Display Comments, Updates and Action Buttons

  1. Default Setting: Ticked by default.

  2. If "Send Emails (e)" and "Send Preview Emails (E)" are both unticked, this option will also be unticked and disabled.

  3. When Unticked: Emails will exclude:


    2. Updates

    3. Status Action Buttons

Adjusted Email Display for Disabled Comments and Updates

  1. When "Display Comments, Updates and Action Buttons" is unticked in the project settings:

    1. Emails will not show:


      2. Updates

      3. Status Action Buttons


Weekdays and Weekends

Configure at a project level working days within a week.


You can to define the work start and end date by picking a week start day and week end day.

The days outside of this will be considered the weekend.

These weekend days are what will be considered in the due date configuration for the weekend. 

For eg
Mon-Fri, means Sat-Sun are weekend
Mon-Sat, means Sun is the only weekend
Sun-Thu, means the weekend is Fri-Sat and so on

View History of Project Detail Changes

Changes made on the project details page are captured in the history log.


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