Document Creator

Document Creator

You can schedule the creation of a document to be issued to a user or many users on a regular basis.

1. Go to Configure.

2. Click on Document Creator.  If you have any active or inactive scheduled document creators they will list in the top left hand corner.

3. To create a new document creator, click on the Add New Document Creator on the bottom right hand corner.

4. The scheduled document creator window will open.

5. Give it a name.

6. Select which document type you want to be created eg Action Point, Request for Information, Defect etc.

7. Choose who the author of the document will be from the contact list by clicking on the 3 dots.

8. Choose who the recipients will be from the contact list by clicking on the 3 dots. 

9. Choose if you want a separate document created for each recipient.  If you want separate documents leave the check box ticked.

10. How often do you want the document to be created and sent to the recipients?  Once, Daily, Weekly or Monthly. 

11. What date do you want the document creator to commence?

12. What time shall the document be sent?

13. Do you want the Document Creator to stop?  Never, On a Specific Date or After This Many Times.

14. When finished click on Save. 

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