Module Matrix
Former user (Deleted)
Rebecca David
Jane Padgett
The Module Matrix is used to give permission to users, roles, groups etc to access the different modules in RIB CX.
Give Permission to See and Use a Module
1. Navigate to Configure > Modules > Matrix.
2. Against each Module tick or untick the roles you want or don't want to use the module.
For Example: if you tick the SUB role to have access to Contracts Admin, when the SUB logs into RIB CX they will see Contracts Admin in the Modules in the left pane.
You will need to add the SUB role to the document types in the CA Module that you would like them to be able to access. See here for how to set permissions for document types.
History Log for Module Matrix
Changes to the Module Matrix are logged and can be viewed via the history button.
Audit Logs for Menu Folder History
When making changes to the View Type you also have the log and record the following changes
View type
Dashboard name
View types are added or removed and their sequence (it will read left to right to determine what to show)
Folder ownership, access, name, description
Caution when Giving Access to Tenders
When a company/user/group/role is given access tender module, they will be able to access all/everyone's bid submissions. Precaution needs to be taken when granting access to tender module. For example, if a subcontractor is given access to Tenders, they will be able to access all bid permissions. For this purpose we have a warning message that will pop up when access is given by
- Either checking a tick box next to Tenders module
2. By clicking 'Tenders' and adding user as shown below :