Who Talks to Whom Matrix

Who Talks to Whom Matrix

The purpose of this Matrix is to control the communications between the companies on the project.

This option specifies which roles will be allowed to correspond with each other. 

For example, it is usual to prevent a subcontractor (SUB) from corresponding directly with the architect (CNS). The matrix would normally specify that the subcontractor (SUB) may correspond with the contractor (HC) or (PMG), and the contractor (HC) or (PMG) may correspond with the architect (CNS).

How to Set Up

1. Go to Configure.

2. Then Who Talks to Whom.

3. Select which roles can communicate with each other by placing a tick in the appropriate checkbox.

4. By default the checkbox is ticked for "Restrict the Contacts Register to only show the names of the people enabled on the Who Talks to Whom Matrix".

    For example, this means that as a subcontractor (SUB) I will not see the supplier (SUP), specialist subcontractor (SSC), consultant (CNS), client (CLI) or the coordinating consultant (CCN) contact details in my contacts list.

    Remove the tick to show all people on the contact list.    

5. Click Submit.

History Log of Who-to-Whom Matrix Changes

Changes to the who-to-whom are now logged and can be viewed via the history button.