Tips and Tricks - Handy Hints
Addressing and Notifications
Can I address a form or transmittal to a Company, Role or All?
What happens when I address a form or transmittal to a Company, Role or All?
Contracts Admin
Can I change from Complex Commitments back to Simple?
Why can’t I edit a budget line item?
Can I change the name of the labels on the Progress Payment Certificate?
I need to push a form to another project what should I be aware of?
I need to import a form from another project what should I be aware of?
Status action buttons - which status should I start my action buttons on?
Managing Your Account
How do I log in for the first time?
How to change email and preview email notification settings?
Publication Space
I want to upload separate file types to a placeholder what should I know beforehand?
Importing via excel upload? What do I need to know about filling in the spreadsheet?
How do I do mark ups to Word and Excel documents in a workflow?
Why can’t I see my plans on the mobile?
Why won’t my plans load on the mobile?
How do I name my document in order for CX to recognise Doc#, Rev and Title?
How do I select multiple files or folders?
What wild cards (search operators) can I use when searching?