Category User Field
Category user field is a select user field that allows you to assign predefined options with unique numeric codes and colours for each option. As a result of this, a category can be assigned to each option. Further you can select a colour/visual representation for each category. This helps with enhanced information presentation and data analysis.
It is most useful in conjunction with other user fields such as calculation user field or saved search. For example when combined with a report or in forms you can create heat charts and risk assessments.
This page is a guide with examples on 1. configuring and using Category user field 2. using it in a saved search 3. using it with Calculation user field
Configuring a Category user field
Step 1 : To configure a Category field go to Configure → Form Types → Click on the Form you’d like to add it to → Form Designer.
Drag from the left hand User Fields menu and place it on your form.
Step 2 : Add your options as you would with any other Select field.
Step 3 : Assign a numeric Code to each option.
The code column for Category fields only supports numeric values. We recommend using whole numbers where possible.
Step 3 : Assign a colour code to each of the options. You can select from Basic, Palette or Custom colours.
The preview column will display how the field will be shown on the form and on a register
Using it on a form
Once the field has been configured and added to the form layout, you can use it just as you would any other select field.
Using it on a Register/ Saved search
The benefit of using category field in a saved search or register is that you can leverage its numeric codes for dynamic insights and more informed decisions. Which allows you to calculate results in real time, streamline data management and enhanced decision-making.
Step 1. Create / populate several forms that have values for category fields in them - in order to have items in a saved-search / register.
Step 2. Create a saved search and pick the form that contains Category user field (in our example it is Risk Matrix form). This will create the register where you will be able to see selected forms that have Category user field.
Step 3. Go to the saved search register and ensure that it contains Catagory user fields. If it does not, you can add the Category user field column by clicking column picker.
Step 4. Review, export and edit the saved-search register as a live-report. If the Saved Search is an inline editable report you can also update values for the category field through inline edit functionality.
Including it in a calculation field
The benefit of using Category user field combined with Calculation user field is that the calculation user field can user conditional formatting to give a result. For example by assigning a numeric value and multiplying Likelihood with Severity you can calculate the total risk category in a Risk Matrix.
In the example below, we have a Risk form which has 2 Category fields
Likelihood of the Risk
Severity of the Risk
We can then include these 2 fields in a Calculation field as follows
Step 1. Go to Calculation user field in the same form as Category user fields.
Step 2.
Select Outside of a list if the Category user fields are outside of the list.
Select Calculation Type as Multiply because in this example we want to multiply them. You can select the calculation you require in your form.
Select Display as - number because in this example we want to receive a numeric calculation
Step 3. Select the Category user fields you would like to calculate. In this example we have two Category user fields - Likelihood and Severity
As Category field codes are numeric, we can use the codes of the options selected to perform a calculation.
In the above example
4 (Likelihood) x 2 (Severity) gives us a result of 8
Configuring Conditional Formatting in Calculation User Field
By turning on Conditional Formatting and adding conditional rules/colours/labels, we can 1. define how each result should be displayed in the calculation field and 2. have a customized display of calculated results in real-time.
For example the calculation field will display with colour and labels rather than just numeric value
Step 1. In Calculation user field → Calculation tab, click Conditional Formatting button to turn it on
Step 2. Then we drop down menu to define how result should be displayed.
Results only - will just show the result (e.g. numeric value) without displaying the description / label
Results and Label - will show the result and description label
Step 3. This is where we define rules of when result should be displayed :
Equals, will display the calculated result when calculated value is equal to the number you define here
Greater than, will display the calculated result when calculated value is greater to the number you define here
Greater than or equal to, will display the calculated result when calculated value is greater than or equal to the number you define here
Less than, will display the calculated result when calculated value is less than to the number you define here
Less than or equal to, will display the calculated result when calculated value is less than or equal to the number you define here
Between, will display the calculated result when calculated value is between to the number you define here
As an example we have defined that if the calculated value of the Likelihood x Severity is between 4 and 8, result is displayed in Yellow with the label of Medium
When you have all numeric values linked to colours and labels, it should look something like this :
These calculations and formatting will apply in real time on the form
In a saved search register these calculations will look like this. You will be able to edit user fields in-line and update results in real time :