Status Categories

Configurable Status Categories (Colours)

Categorise form statuses and represent them in colours on your search and default form registers. This feature is extended to standards reports so that the status category colours will be used on reports instead of the hardcoded colours seen before for Open, Late, Closed.

What is a Status Category?

The status category allows you to create one or more categories to which you add existing form statuses. Each category can be assigned a unique colour. This will allow for:

  • Better process management through structured reporting across all modules and form types.
  • Easy visibility into bottlenecks in processes.
  • A standardised approach to reporting across all form types.

How to Configure Status Categories

In the status option editor, click on the Status Categories tab.

By default, there will be 5 categories

  • Draft
  • For Approval
  • Open
  • Closed
  • Withdrawn/Cancelled

Existing statuses will be allocated to one of these categories.

Create a New Status Category

1. Click on Add Status Category.

2. Give your category a name.

3. Select a Type from the Category Type drop down list.  There are 5 types available. Depending on the type you select, the statuses configured in that type will be the ones available to choose from.

You cannot have a status in more than one category

Assign a Colour

1. To assign a colour to a category, click on the arrow in the Category Colour picker and choose your colour. 

Configure Late and Due in Days Category

When configuring an Open Type Category the Late and Due in Days colour picker options are available.

  • Late forms are forms that have passed their due date.
  • Due in X Days forms are forms that are in a certain number of days.

You can assign a colour for both these options.

Add Status and Status Category Colour Columns to the Register View

Once Status Categories are configured, they can be added to your register layouts. The 2 new columns that you can add are:

  • Status by Colour - this will display the Status by Colour (based on the status category they are in)
  • Status Categories - this will display the Status Category colour.

1. Go to Configure > Document Types > choose your form.

2. Click on Configure Default Columns.

3. Search for Status by Colour or Status Categories in the Available Fields list.

4. Place a tick in the checkbox and click save to add to Selected Columns list.  

Add Status and Status Category Colour Columns to a Saved Search

Once Status Categories are configured, they can be added to your saved search layouts. The 2 new columns that you can add are:

  • Status by Colour - this will display the Status by Colour (based on the status category they are in)
  • Status Categories - this will display the Status Category colour.

Refer here for how to create, save and edit a search.

For a saved search you can add the Status by Colour and Status Categories columns to the layout by editing its layout.

Reports that Support Status Category Colours

  • Default Registers
  • Saved Searches
  • Pins Report
  • Timeline Views
  • Tender Dashboards
  • Design Review Issues Report