Import a Contract Variation

  1. To import Contract Variations click on the Project Toolbar cog.

  2. Click on Utilities.

  3. Click on Import Contract Variations.

  1. Click on Download template.

  1. Fill in the variation details on the excel file.

  1. When ready to import, go back to the wizard and select the Contract the import Variations will be against.

  2. Select the contract variation type.

  3. Select what status you want the variation to upload in e.g. Draft, Open, Closed.

  4. Select the user you want to be actioned.

  1. Drag and drop or select your file to import and click Next.

  1. If there are any errors with your spreadsheet you will get an error report. Fix your spreadsheet and then begin the import process again.

  2. When the import has successfully finished you will get a summary. Click on Finish.