Automatic Numbering

Automatic Numbering

What is Automatic Document Numbering?

This functionality allows you to configure a pre-determined document numbering sequence as a template that can be applied to your documents on Upload to Automatically number your documents.

This will help you to ensure the numbering sequence for your Documents is always correct on your Projects.

You cannot toggle this feature on and off.  

Using Auto Numbering will disable "File Naming Convention" and "Auto Field Matching"

How to Configure Automatic Document Numbering

You will need to be a Project or Register Admin to access these options.

1. Go to configure.

2. Click Modules.

3. Click Publication Space.


4. Under Publication Space Module click Settings.

5. Click the Number tab. 

6. Select Enabled.

Create New Template

7. Click on Create New Template.

8. Give the Template a name.

Setting the Fields to Include in the Numbering Sequence

You can create user fields to use in your numbering template however they need to be made mandatory (required) in order to be selectable in the sequence. 

9. Select the fields you would like to form the Numbering Sequence.

10. By default you will be able to select Project, Company and all User Field's with selectable options.

11. To add another field to the numbering sequence click the + Sign. 

12. To remove one select the - sign.

13. To define separators between the fields select from list between criteria.

14. The last field will always be the Sequence number. 

Setting the Sequence Number Format

15. The sequence number (max 8 characters) can be configured in terms of :

- Length - defined the length of number in the sequence.

- Start at - defines at which point the sequence begins.

Apply Number to Which Document Types?

18. Select the document types to apply this Sequence to.

19. Document types examples.

  • Manual
  • Drawings
  • Specifications
  • Meetings Minutes

20. Then click save.

21. This new template will now be displayed in the Auto Numbering section.

Revision numbers whether alpha or numerical need to be in () or [].  This feature does not support -

Refer here for how to use automatic document numbering.

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