Automatic Field Matching

Automatic Field Matching

Auto Field Matching cannot be used in conjunction with Auto Numbering.

What is Automatic Field Matching?

Automatic Field Matching allows RIB CX to match your Document number with preconfigured User Field values in Publication Space during an upload. This will then populate those fields on upload without needing any user interaction to make your Document uploads very efficient and quick.

Document Number and Pattern Set Up

The Pattern is usually configured based on how your Document Number is formed.

If a strict numbering format applies to your project, an automatic numbering pattern will be useful in filling out meta data for your documents quickly.

An example Document Number

DEMO-MC-DWG-ELE-0001 [a] Electrical Drawing 0001

In this instance.

  • DEMO - is the Project Name.

  • MC- Is the Code of the Company that is uploading.

  • DWG - This defines the type of document this is - DWG is the Code for the option of Drawing Type.

  • ELE - This defines the discipline this document belongs to - ELE is the code for the option of Electrical Discipline.


Type and Discipline are first set up as user fields. Click here for how to do this.


DWG is the Code for the option of Drawing in the Type User Field. Click here for how to view/edit this.


ELE is the code for the option of Electrical in the Discipline User Field. Click here for how to view/edit this.

Configure Automatic Field Matching

1. Navigate to Configure > Modules > Publication > Numbering


2. Publication Space > Settings

3. Click on the Numbering tab.

4. Edit Patterns or Add Row to create a new pattern. 

5. Select Add Row to create a new pattern.

6. Select the individual Company or All Companies the Field Matching Pattern will be applicable to.

7. This Company or All Companies will be shown in the table with the default pattern selected.

Create a New Field Matching Pattern

1. Click on the drop down list under Select a Pattern.

2. Give the Pattern a name.

3. To add a section to the pattern click +.

4. To remove click -.

5. Select the pattern as follows:


Project is not set up as a user field, so there is no field to populate on the upload page. So we select ignore.

Select separator as


Company is not set up as a user field, so there is no field to populate on the upload page. So we select ignore.

Select separator as 


As shown above DWG is the type of the document. So we select Type to populate the Type user field with the value Drawing.

Select separator as 


As shown above, ELE is the discipline this document belongs to. So we select Discipline to populate the Discipline user field with the value Electrical.

So the pattern will now look like this.

6. Save the pattern and select it from the drop-down for your Company

What User Field Types are Supported for Auto Field Matching?

Currently this feature supports

  • Text

  • Select

One Company - Many Auto Field Matching Patterns

One company can have more than one auto field matching pattern applied to it. 

Refer here for how Automatic Field Matching works.

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