Reporting on Review Workflows
It's easy to find all the information you need on active workflows using the Document Review Dashboard in the Publication Space.
The dashboard contains:
Click on the down arrow to select the data you want to view graphically.
Widgets that when clicked will give you a list of workflows that are outstanding, overdue or overdue by more than 2 weeks.
Workflow Report
There are two ways to view the Workflow Report.
Clicking on the Workflow Report widget on the dashboard.
From the navigation panel select > publication space > reports > workflow report.
The report shows by default open workflows and the details belonging to each workflow.
Expand All
To expand all rows of the report click on Expand All.
Collapse All
To collapse all rows of the report click on Collapse All.
Add / Remove Columns
To add or remove columns in the your report click on the 3 vertical line columns icon.
Tick or untick the required columns.
Show All
The Show All button will expand the default results to show closed workflows.
To Hide Closed click the Hide Closed button.
Export to Excel
To export your report to excel:
Click on the Excel button.
Choose whether you want a summary view or a detailed view.
When exporting the summary/collapsed view, you see one workflow per line with overall status.
When exporting the detailed view you see each document reviewed, each reviewers comments and verdict.
Status - Traffic Light Reporting
Workflows that are still within the step duration are green, late workflows are orange and workflows later than 2 weeks are red.
Filtering the Report
To filter the report click on the filter icon in the header row and select the criteria required.
PDF the Report
Click on the PDF icon on the blue ribbon bottom right-hand side.
The PDF will download and the format will be as per below.
Save a Workflow Report
Once you have customised your workflow report by filtering columns or adding / removing columns you can save the report for future use.
Click on the Save button.
Give your report a name.
Select the location of where your report can be found later.
Change the icon for your report.
Select via the contact picker who can view this report.
Select via the contact picker who is able to edit the criteria for this report.
Click Save.
When you want to run the report again, navigate to the selected folder and click on the saved report.
To edit the report, run the report and at the bottom left-hand side of the report there is an Edit Report Button.