QR Codes to View Documents

QR codes can be used to access drawings.

To scan a QR code to access a drawing, you need to first add a QR code to the document.

To add a QR code to a drawing you need to have upload permissions for that folder.

Add a QR Code to a Drawing

1. Open the drawing you want to add a QR Code to.

2. Go to the mark up tools.

2. Click and add the QR code to the drawing.

3. Click Save.

The QR code is added to a specific document revision. When scanning the QR Code via the mobile app, the user will be able to view that revision or to get access to the latest revision of the document the user has access to it.

Printing a QR Code

1. Open the drawing with a QR code.

2. Click on the Print revisions button.

3. Include the QR code when printing by ticking the Annotations check box.

4. Click Download.

Scanning a QR Code to View a Drawing

Refer here for how to scan a QR code with RIB CX Mobile App.

Create a QR Code for a User Field Option

Click here for how to create a QR Code for a User Field Option.