Document Review in a Workflow

Document Review in a Workflow

markups are not done in their native file type e.g. if you are marking up a Word or Excel document you will need to download the file, make your markups and then upload it into CX to progress the workflow.

The latest documents for review will be issued on a Workflow Transmittal. You will receive a Notification when documents have been issued to you for review.  

Workflow Transmittal

The Workflow Transmittal has been specially designed for performing document reviews.

WTX Notification

When you receive a Workflow Transmittal (WTX) in your ToDo List notifications you can start the review process by clicking on Review Documents.


Email Notification 

If the reviewing user subscribes to email notifications they will receive an email. Below is an example of a preview email. User will click on Open in RIB CX.


Then click on Review Documents in the bottom right-hand corner to start the review.


Start Online Review

  1. Click on Start Online Review

  1. Add your comments first and then select the verdict. Once the verdict is selected the next document for your review will open.

  1. Once all the documents in the workflow have been reviewed you will be taken back to WTX where you can click on Finish Review.


View the Documents

To view any of the documents from the WTX click on the Document Number.


Apply a Review Verdict

You can select a verdict from the WTX page.

  1. Click Select Verdict on desired document.

  1. Enter a comment if required.

  2. Continue to review all the documents adding a verdict and comment.

  3. Once all documents on the workflow have been reviewed and a verdict added then the option to Finish Review will be available.

  4. Click on Finish Review and the workflow will move onto the next reviewer.


Review Tools

Depending on your access rights you may or may not see the exact Review Tools as depicted.  

Who Has Access


Creator of Workflow Transmittal

Workflow Administrator

Who Has Access


Creator of Workflow Transmittal

Workflow Administrator

Bulk Update




Bulk Upload markups












Cancel this Workflow




Remove Documents




Send Reminder




Skip Step




Bulk Update

To update multiple documents with the same review details use Bulk Update.

  1. Select the documents you wish to update.

  2. Click Review Tools, then Bulk Update.

  1. Enter the Details and /or a markup file you want to apply to the selected documents.

  1. Click Done.

  2. The selected documents will be updated with the new details.

Bulk Upload markups

To speed up reviews of lots of files that require markups, you can use the bulk upload markups tool.

To use this functionality both the files in the review and your marked up version need to follow the default file naming convention for the Register.

[Doc#][[Rev]][Title].[File Extension]

e.g. A1001[A]First Floor Plan.pdf

Also, your markup files need to be zipped before you upload.

  1. Click Review Tools, then Bulk Upload markups.

  1. Select your zipped markups file.

  1. This will extract and match the files, once you are ready to proceed, Click Apply.

  1. The matched files will begin uploading against the relevant documents. Once done you can close this window.

Delegate Documents

You may decide to delegate some or all of the documents assigned to you to someone else for review.

  1. Select the documents you wish to delegate.

  2. Click Review Tools, then Delegate.

  1. Select the Project User you wish to delegate the documents to.

  1. Click Done.

The selected documents will be issued to the delegated user. They will receive a notification and the workflow transmittal will be in their hotlist.

The step in which the documents have been delegated will be remain incomplete until all documents have been reviewed by all reviewers (original and delegated).

Workflow Admins can delegate documents on behalf of users on a Workflow. Simply open the Workflow and Select Delegate and follows the same steps as above.

Delegate a Step to Multiple Users

Delegate screen offers modern contact picker and enables the following features:

  • Delegate to Multiple Users:

    • This functionality allows user to delegate step to multiple reviewers.

  • Parallel Step Restriction:

    • Delegation to a user within the same parallel step is not allowed to prevent conflicts.

  • Notification:

    • New users will be notified as usual when they are delegated a step.

  • Step Handling:

    • Delegated steps with multiple users will be treated as steps with multiple assignees.

    • For example, in screenshot below, Ruth Powers delegates to three other users. As a result, Ruth Power is no longer needs to Action but the three new users are added in Action :


Associate is used to link a form or document that is within RIB CX to the WTX.

  1. Click on Review Tools and Associate.

  2. The Associate window will open.

  3. Choose your search criteria.

  4. Click Search.

  5. Select the document you want to associate to the WTX from the Search result window.

  6. Click add > and the document will got to the Documents to Associate window. 

  7. Click Save. 


If you are the creator of the workflow transmittal or a Workflow Administrator you will have access to these additional Review Tools.

Cancel this Workflow

Available to workflow transmittal creator and workflow administrators.

  1. Add a reason for cancelling the workflow.

  2. Select a verdict for these documents.

  1. Select who you want to distribute the documents to.

Workflow Cancellation Message

When a workflow is cancelled and a reason is provided, it will be displayed in the Workflow Transmittal summary screen.

Skip Step

This can be done by workflow administrators.

  1. Select a verdict.

  2. Add a reason for skipping this step.

  3. Click on Skip Step.

Remove Documents

This can be done by the workflow transmittal creator and workflow administrator. It allows you to remove documents from the WTX.

  1. Tick the document(s) you want to remove from the WTX and then select remove documents.

  2. Select your Verdict.

  1. Select who you want to distribute the documents to.


Send Reminder

This option is available to workflow administrators. This will send a notification to the users in the workflow to remind them to review the documents. 

A reminders sent notification will appear briefly on the bottom right hand corner.

Hide / Show Reviewed

If you have a number of documents to review, you can hide the documents you have already reviewed to just show those that are still outstanding.

  1. Click on Hide Reviewed.

  1. To see all documents both reviewed and not reviewed click on Show Reviewed.


Add and Remove Columns

Users can add or remove columns as required. Note: changes will stay available during this workflow. Once you close out of the WTX the columns will reset to the default.


Column Filters for Workflows in Progress

As a user you are able to see column filters for the grid on a workflow while it is still in progress. This will help you filter through different Rev statuses quickly when dealing with high quantity of documents.


Downloading Documents

No Markups on Documents

  1. Select some or all files to download.

  2. Click download.

The latest revision of a file will always be downloaded unless there are markups.

If documents have markups then you get the choice to download the original file, all markups, or the latest file.

Markups on Documents


Please note that user access to markups will still be determined by the workflow template settings, which control when users can see parallel step markups and comments.

Original File will show you the original drawing without markup.

All Markups will show you all the markups past and present.

Latest Markups will show you the markups applied in the previous step (or by the previous reviewer).

Adding a Markup

To redline or markup a document.

  1. Click on the markup icon.

  1. The document will open and load the integrated Markup Tools within the workflow.

  1. Refer to here for information about markup tools and their uses.

  2. Manually uploaded markups can be removed prior to completing your review, by clicking on the markup tool and deleting your markups and clicking save.

  3. Once saved the document row will indicate there is 1 markup.

To Continue Adding Markups

  1. Click on the markup button again.

  2. You will be asked whether you would like to continue the markup.

  3. Click yes, continue.

Upload Markup

If you have done your markup outside of RIB CX you can upload your marked up document.

  1. Click on the Upload icon.

  1. An upload window will open.

  2. Drag and drop your file or click Select files.

  3. Click Done.


Finish Review

To finish a review simply make sure all documents assigned to you in a workflow have a verdict applied. Only then will you be able to click the Finish Review button.

How Do I Know if a Step has been Completed?

Steps that are completed are shown with a Green tick as shown below.

WTX Summary Email Notification and Interactive WTX Summary

Summary Table in Email

The email notification now includes a summary table. 


Interactive Document and Markup Revision Links 


Document links within the WTX summary table are now clickable, redirecting users to the corresponding documents in CX. Users must be logged in to access these links.

MU revisions in the summary table are now clickable, allowing users to navigate directly to the specific revision. Users must be logged in to access these links.

WTX History and Audit Trail


The Details section when expanded shows the date and time changes were made, what those changes were, who viewed the document, who downloaded the document etc.


At the bottom of the details section is where any linked (associated) documents or forms are shown. What this means is that these documents or forms have been linked to this WTX. If the REF is blue you will be able to click on the link to open that document or form.

On the Email Notification the WTX history will show status progress only and any linked / associated forms or documents. Details of changers and viewers will not be displayed to maintain clarity and focus on key updates.




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