Search on Documents

Searching for documents on the Publication space is easy and fast. 

You can either search with using the latest view (default) or with classic view by clicking 'Open in Classic View' . 

Keyword Searching in Classic View

To search for documents by keyword:

1. Just type in the text you would like to search on in the search input box.     

2. Press Enter on your keyboard or click Search.

All documents that have the keyword "Plan" in this example are shown in the results.

Keyword searching.mp4 (1.34mins)

Keyword Searching in Modern View

One of the key components of the new search overhaul is the consistent interface between Global search and Publication Space search. This means that you do not have to go to Publication Space first, and then search. Rather you can click into the Always available search template on top of the screen and search for your documents.

Using Suggested Search

Suggested search is a simple and quick way of searching. 

You can add criteria very quickly using your keyboard or mouse to select criteria and values

A Simple Search Example 1

As an example, if you want to search for All drawings of a certain Type eg drawing follow steps below:

1. In the suggested search box type the letter "t" which will automatically show you the criteria that you can search on. 

2. To select Type use your down arrow key on your keyboard. Then press tab.

3. A drop down will appear with all the options available under the Type user field.

4. To select Drawings use the down arrow key on your keyboard. Then press tab.

Now your search will show all documents with the Type is: Drawing criteria.

To start the search press Enter.

Suggested Search Example 1.mp4

Using the Mouse

Please note that you can also use your mouse to select "Type is" or the option "Drawing" at any time. 

A Simple Search Example 2

In this example, we want to find all the documents that have the value "Golf Hotel India" for the user field Zone.

1. To begin, just type the letter Z in the suggested search box. You will immediately see the criteria Zone is:. 

2. To select Zone is use the down arrow key on your keyboard. Then press tab.

3. Now you will all the values available for Zone.

4. To select "Golf Hotel India" use the down arrow key on your keyboard. The press tab. 

5. Press enter to start the search.

Suggested Search - Example 2 - Zone.mp4

Using the Mouse

Please note that you can also use your mouse to select "Zone is" or the option "Golf Hotel India".

Adding More than one Criteria to the Search

This time let's search for documents of the Discipline - Architectural and that belong to Work Pack 03.

1. To begin type the letter D in the suggested search box. You will immediately see the criteria Discipline is.

2. To select Discipline is use the down arrow key on your keyboard. Then press tab.

3. Now you will see all the values for Discipline.

4. To select Architectural use the down arrow key on your keyboard. Then press tab.

5. Type in the letters Wo in the suggested search box to find the Work Pack user field.

6. To select Work Pack is use the down arrow key on your keyboard. Then press tab.

7. To select WP03 as the option use the down arrow key. Then press tab. 

8. Press Enter to run the search.

Suggested Search - Arch-WP03.mp4

Using the Mouse

Please note that you can also use your mouse to select "Discipline is" or "Work Pack" is or the values "Architectural" and "WP03"

Searching for More than One Option

If you want to search for more than one option for a particular criteria; eg Revision Status is Approved with Comments or Information Only.

1. Type "r" to locate the Revision status is option.

2. Select it and press tab.

3. Select Approved with Comments.

4. Then press the "," (comma) key to add another option.

5. Select for Information Only.

6. Press Enter to start the search.

Suggested Search - Multiple Options.mp4

Search for Documents Requiring Distribution

From Suggested Search

1. Type in Distribution Status.

2. Pick Distribution Status is Criteria.

3. Select the Require Distribution Option.

4. You will now search for Distribution Status is: Require Distribution. Press Enter on the keyboard.

This will display all documents that require Distribution to users who have previously received these documents.

From More Search Options

1. Click on More search options button.

2. In the Distribution Status is criteria pick Require distribution.

3. Click Search.

Display Distributed Revision and Current Revision in Searching

From this release, you can run a search for Documents in the Publication Space using the newly added "Previously Distributed To" criteria.

When you search for documents using this criterion the system will automatically add a column called "Distributed Rev" to display the last revision they were distributed.

Allowing you to easily compare which revisions need to be distributed.

Add Filters to Revision-Related Columns

We've added column filters for Document Revision related columns. The supported Columns are listed below.

  • Document No#
  • Revision
  • Revision Date
  • Revision Status
  • Revision Type
  • Revision Discipline

Search for Documents that have Never been Distributed

From Suggested Search

Follow the same steps as above but Select never been distributed.

From More Search Options

Follow the same steps as above but select Never been distributed.

Search for Documents that have been Fully Distributed

Same as above but select All Distributed.

Search for Documents not in a Particular Status

You can also do negative searching by using the is not criteria.

This is available in Suggested search and More search options for all Fields which have values against them.

For example:

Revision Status is not Approved.

Type is Not Drawing.

Search for Documents by Uploaded Company

You can now search for documents uploaded by a certain company in these areas.

1. Autocomplete search

2. Standard search

3. Global search

Removing Criteria

If you selected the wrong criteria or the wrong value, removing the criteria is as simple as pressing backspace on your keyboard to clear out the criteria.

You will also notice that as you clear your values and criteria the drop-down list will automatically show you the available options again.

In this example, I have already searched for.

  • Revision Status is Approved with Comments or Information Only and
  • Discipline is Architectural

To remove the Architectural criteria simply start pressing backspace.

Suggested Search - Remove Criteria.mp4

Quick Delete

Another way to quickly remove criteria is to press the "X" icon in front of the search criteria.

Searching in a Specific Folder

By default searching on the Publication Space will search in the folder that you are currently in and all its subfolders.

If you would like to search in a specific folder.

1. Select Specific Folder in the Drop down next to the search input area.

2. This will load the Folder picker page.

3. Select the folder that you want to search on and Click Done (You can optionally also include all the subfolders should you pick a top level folder).4. After you click Done the Folder criteria will be shown in the search input area.

5. Press enter to begin your search.

Search in the Current Folder

To search in just the folder that you are in pick Current folder from the folder drop down and perform your search.

Search in All Folders

To search in just the folder that you are in pick Current folder from the folder drop down and perform your search.

Search Per Folder with no Other Criteria 

If 'All folders' selected with no other criteria = when user clicks search pop up message as “Please add at least one criteria to begin searching”

If 'Sub folders' is selected with no other criteria = when user clicks search pop up message as “Please add at least one criteria to begin searching”

If a 'Specific folder' is selected with no other criteria = user can click search and run the search.

If 'Current folder' is selected with no other criteria = user can click search and run the search.

If users adds some criteria allow search to be run as normal

See All Criteria

If you want to know what search criteria are supported in Suggested search (And it is a lot!) press "/" in the search input area to get the full list.

Show all Revs and Retired Options

We have introduced new options to the global search functionality, providing users with more control over document visibility and search criteria settings.

When a document is selected in the global search, users can now choose to display "Show all revisions" and "Show retired documents."  

Show all revisions : will list out all the revisions of the document you are searching for. If you do not click this, you will only see the latest revision.

Show retired :  when ticked, documents will only show you the retired documents with your search criteria

Go to a Folder Directly from Search Result

1. After you have done your search.

2. Click on the folder link to go directly to that folder.