Export PDF or Publish a Consolidated Revision
This option allows users to export to PDF or Consolidate markup revisions.
Export to PDF
Navigate to the document you wish to export to PDF
Click on the Export PDF / Publish Consolidated Revision icon.
The Export PDF / Publish Consolidated Revision pop-up will appear.
Select Export Summary PDF
Choose how you want to group your Issues and Annotations.
By Page
Selecting by page will group the Annotations and DRIs by page.
By Reviewer
Selecting by reviewer will group the Annotations and DRIs by the reviewer who created the markup.
Tick the check boxes to:
show closed issues and/or layers for all revisions so that you can select them in the next steps.
include all pages and/or a summary
You may also choose to select form types from the drop down menu under ‘Form Types’.
Click on Expand All to expand each row.
Click Select All to select all the Annotations and Issues.
Click Download.
The PDF will download.
Publish a Consolidated Revision
Navigate to the document you wish to export to PDF
Click on the Export PDF / Publish Consolidated Revision icon.
The Export PDF / Publish Consolidated Revision pop-up will appear.
Select Publish a Consolidated Revision.
Choose how you want to group your Issues and Annotations.
By Page
Selecting by page will group the Annotations and DRIs by page.
By Reviewer
Selecting by reviewer will group the Annotations and DRIs by the reviewer who created the markup.
Tick the check boxes to show closed issues, include summary, keep the existing markup colours. If ‘keep the existing markup colours’ remains unticked then you can select a colour to consolidate selected layers. This means all markups will be of the colour you choose.
Include Summary
You can optionally include a summary table of all the markups you selected. The summary table includes:
Reference of any pinned forms or DRI's
Created date for the markups of the pinned form or DRI
Title/type of annotation
Text - if it is a text annotation it will include the text
Author - who added the markup or created the DRI or pinned form.
Choose the Form Types you want to include in the Consolidated revision.
Click on Expand All to expand each row.
Click Select All to select all the Annotations and Issues.
Click Consolidate Markups.
A consolidated markup will be made in publication space which is marked as [RevisionNo]-CM1 (or 2 etc dependent on how many consolidated markups you do for the same revision.
Each markup will have the author tag and/or reference e.g. PBS-RP (B-MU2), DRI#0009
Consolidate CM-# Revisions
CM revisions are displayed in the revision selection screen alongside MU revisions.
Users can select a CM revision and another MU revision to create a new CM revision.
CM-# Revisions Available for Export PDF
Consolidated revisions are included in the Summary PDF export, displaying the latest data accurately.