Building a Basic Form
Converting a Classic Form to Modern Layout in the Form Editor
Your project/s may have forms in the Classic layout to be converted to Modern.
- To get started, head to the Form Configuration, then scroll toward the bottom to find the UserForm Version.
- Change the UserForm Version field from 'Classic' to 'Modern', then press 'Update' in the bottom right corner of the page.
- Now, press the 'Form Editor' button to open up the editor
Snap a Picture!
Export to PDF or snap a screenshot of the existing Classic form prior to making any changes so that you can refer back to the layout when updating to modern layout in the Form Editor.
You may wish to make some adjustments when placing the user fields in the modern layout, however it helps to have a rough plan to refer back to!
Placing Fields on the Grid
When you hover over a row on the form editor, you will see a + / - icon pop up on the left border of the grid. You can use this to add or remove rows from the grid.
When placing Labels, User Fields, the cells on the grid will highlight to show you where you are about to place your field.
When placing a List element, it will appear in the row highlighted, automatically adding additional rows to become 3 rows tall.
When placing a Spacer Row, or adding a new row, the row will be placed above the highlighted row.
Reset, Undo, Redo
- This will reset the layout of your form, returning you to a blank 12 x 10 grid with User Fields on the left, ready to be re-placed on the form. If you accidentally click Reset, DO NOT PRESS SAVE - Cancel out of the Form Editor