Bulk Import to the Contacts Register
There are two ways to add contacts records in bulk:
- Import contact records from an MS Excel Template.
- Copy them in from another project.
Where to Find the Bulk Import Utility
1. Click the cog in the Project Tool Bar.
2. Click on Utilities.
3. Select Import to the Contacts Register.
4. The Import to the Contacts Register Utility screen is split into two sections. Use either section not both.
Importing Contacts from a Spreadsheet
1. The first step is to download the template:
2. Clicking in each cell of the template will provide instructions for correct population of that column.
The template serves two purposes:
- To create company records.
- To create contact records.
Each row must be populated differently depending on which of the two records it relates to.
Follow the instructions in each cell to create company and user records. The following are examples of creating a company record and then creating a user within that company.
Do Not Type in Column A. Column A Company or User ID is calculated from the details you input in Column C, D, E and F.
3. When you are ready to run the import, browse and select the file. Click the Upload button to run the import.
4. When the import is complete, go into Contacts and verify that the records have been imported correctly.
5. Here is the Company Contact Record created by the import.
6. Here is the Contact Record for the individual.
Copying Contacts from Another Project
RIB CX enables Project Administrators or Utilities Admins to import users from another project. This can make adding contacts to your project quicker where large numbers of users need to be replicated from one project to another.
To import users follow the steps listed above in Where to Find the Bulk Import Utility.
1. When the import page appears, fill in the project number you wish to import from.
2. A list of users on the selected project will display. Greyed out contacts indicate that the user/company already exists in your project.
3. Select the users you wish to import to your project by ticking the box.
4. Once all users you wish to import are selected, click Import from Project.
5. A message will display when the import is complete.
6. The contacts are now available in the your project.