21.12 Release

21.12 Release

The third and final major iTWO cx update for 2021 introduces a range of user experience and functionality benefits that are sure to please users.

We have added a handy Timeline view for task management, introduced the ability to simultaneously review documents across multiple workflows, and optimised the appearance and functionality of several interfaces.

Below is a list of all the features in the new release.

This updated version will be automatically rolled out across projects starting December 1.


Timeline view for forms

With this release, we are introducing a new way to view forms within iTWO cx. Teams can use the timeline view to plot their tasks chronologically — giving you a single place to see scope and deadlines while having the ability to make changes when things come up along the way.

The timeline view is a view to visualise the same information of your forms as a timeline.

Get started with the timeline view

When you are on a form register click on the Views button in the toolbar. Then select the Timeline option

This will swap your list of forms to the timeline view and use the Issued Date and Due Date of each of the forms to display it over a timeline.

You can view the timeline by Date, Week, Month or Year

Saving a Timeline view

You can save a timeline as a report you can you access any time from the menu. To save the timeline as a menu item click on the Save button

Provide a name for the timeline view, and set who can view and edit the timeline and select a folder for where you wish to see it in the menu. Then click save

Creating a new timeline

You can also create a new timeline from the configure area and customise the view through the config page.

In configure click on Schedules

This will show you a list of all available schedules on the project. 

From here click on Add new schedule

Different schedule types

Single form

With a single form schedule, you can pick a single form type, and display these forms in a timeline using date fields on the form.

You can also customise the columns that appear in the timeline view by adding columns from the column picker config area.

Multiple forms (Task form)

With a multiple forms set-up, you can display a single associated form type that belongs to a parent form. 

As an example, we can display all the Audit forms associated with all Lots in a timeline view.

Create a Single Form Mode timeline

1. Select the form type you wish to see in a timeline

2. Then select the criteria for the forms you wish to display.

3. Pick the columns you wish to see in the timeline

4. Select whether you would like to group your forms by a particular a field (fields with options are supported)

5. Configure the order by which you want to see these forms

6. Configure the start and end date fields

7. Click Save

Create a Multiple Form Mode timeline

1. Select multiple form type

2. Pick the parent form type

3. Configure the forms you wish to display 

4. Pick the columns you wish to display

5. Pick the group by field from the parent form and sorting

6. In the timeline, config pick the task form you wish to display

7. Pick the criteria for the task forms you wish to display

8. Pick the start and end dates

Review documents on multiple workflows at the same time

With this release, you will be able to review documents on multiple workflows at the same time. This is done through a new type of workflow we have introduced as part of this release.

Now, workflows can be configured as either Locked workflows or Not locked workflows.

  • Locked workflows will lock the documents on these workflows from being superseded and also prevent you from adding them to another workflow.
  • Not locked workflows will not lock the documents on these workflows. You still still not be able to supersede these documents but you may add them to another workflow of the type Not locked.

An overview of how the Do not lock documents workflows will work

  • Documents can be added to 1 or more workflows of this type.
  • You cannot add documents in this type to a locked workflow or vice versa
  • Document revision status will not be changed at the end of the workflows.


  • Doc is uploaded in For review status
  • Will be shown as For Review in the uploaded rev status while on the workflow.
  • Once the workflow or workflows end ends the revision status will remain For review
  • All workflow verdicts will be recorded and displayed in the summary as we do now.
  • When the workflow ends, documents that were set to Approved will be automatically distributed based on the Document Approval/Rejection setting

Migrating Workflow verdicts to a new settings page

  • Previously the workflow verdicts were linked with a revision status and were configured on the Revision Status page.
  • With this release, we are migrating the workflow verdicts to a new page called Workflow verdicts.
  • This means that Workflow Verdicts can now be configured independently of the Revision Status.
  • This will give users further flexibility when configuring workflows.
  • You can create new workflow verdicts, add security to the verdicts and link them with Revision statuses for things such as automatic distribution.

Document Revision Status when workflow ends setting

There's also a new setting added to workflows where you can configure how the status of the revision of a document will be changed when a workflow is completed.

The options are 

  • Based on workflow results - this means the revision status of a document will be updated based on the verdicts selected in the workflow. This will work together with the Document Approval/ Rejected decided by setting.
  • Not based on workflow result - this means that the revision status of a document will not be updated at the end of the workflow based on the workflow result

Interface update to Notifications and the Hotlist

The Hotlist and the Notifications list interface has gotten a fresh update.

The notification list is updated to show information more clearly and we have also swapped the structure of the notifications to a grid in the background.

View unread notifications

There is a new option to quickly filter unread notifications in the notification list

Publication Space

Search revisions across revision history

Now you can search for a specific revision within the revision history by searching by its revision code.

To do this type the revision code, tick show all revisions.

Include markups in a Pin attachment

Any markups that are added before you add a pin on a drawing will be included in the attachment that is captured on the Pinned form.

Bulk updating drawing metadata through import

You can now update metadata for drawings through an excel import. 

To begin, go to the publication space import utility

Select update existing documents

Download the template

In the excel template, the Document number is the only required field

  • When importing you can update the document title, and all its user field data via the import
  • This will update the title of the document and the user field data for all its revisions

When importing blank cells in the excel file you have an option on how you prefer for this to be handled. That is to clear the values for the user field cells which are blank or to keep the existing value

Additional Files based on matching revision

We have introduced a new setting to control when you display the additional file of an update.

The options are

  • To display the additional file against any revision
  • Only display the additional file when the revisions match

With the option set to Only when revisions match, the additional file is is shown when the revisions match in the additional files columns

When the revisions for the other file format does not match the latest upload it will not be shown

You can also set a primary file format so that this format is always shown on screen.


Add custom metadata to bidders

With this release, you can add metadata to bidders so you can capture more data against the bidders on your database

Contracts Administration

Budget - Configurable Columns

Support all columns in the Budget & Budget History to be configurable: 

  • Show or Hide each Column
  • Change the Name of the Column
  • Change the Order of the Columns (within each category)

New Configuration is accessed by:

Configure > Document Types > BGT > Budget Settings

Added optional new columns.

  • Approved Budget Transfers
  • Approved Budget Variations
  • Each Forecast Form Type (Trade Reserve, Contingency etc)
  • Previous Variance
  • Variance to Previous

Added a button to Approve the Budget to save the numbers into Previous Variance. (Restricted to Budget Module Admins)

Added Config Options:

  • Include Variation on Account in Approved Variations - With this ticked it will include VOA in approved variations
  • Show Forecast Final Cost as Approved Budget Amount if there are no Commitments or Forecasts against a budget line yet.|

Contract Variation - Allow progress to be claimed per line item

  • Added a configuration option against Contract Variation forms: "Allow progress to be claimed per line item"

  • When selected, on the progress claim, it will show a hierarchy of all the variation line items.
  • You will be able to enter progress against all child line items only.

Control Sheets - Salaries & Wages - Allowances

Added a configuraiton section to define Allowances:

  • Allowance Name
  • Region
  • Weekly Amount

When at least one allowance for Salaries or Wages is configured, add a configuration section for Allowance Rates.

  • Added a column to the Control Sheet which allows one or more Allowances to be selected per person.
  • This is only shown if there is at least one non-retired allowance for that control sheet type.
  • When an allowance is selected, the weekly rate calculation is updated for that person to include the selected allowance(s).

Control Sheets - Change Contract & Budget Line for Forecasts

Enforced that the Contract is selected when creating Trade Reserves, Contingencies and Uncommitted Forecasts, and associate the new form to the budget line of the Contract.

Claims - Allow to claim more than 100% per line item

  • Added a configuration option per Claim form type. (e.g. Enabled on Invoice, Disabled on Progress Claim)

  • When enabled, it will allow the user to claim more than 100% for any claimable line item, including Contract Lines, and Variation Lines.
  • Excludes over claiming retention.
  • Excludes considering any tolerance amount.

Status Action Buttons - Refresh applicable buttons when amount changes

  • When creating or replying to a Contracts Admin form
    • Budget
    • Budget Transfer
    • Budget Variation
    • Budget Forecast
    • Contract
    • Contract Variation
    • Claim
  • And when there are status action buttons applicable to the current form status (or first draft status when creating new), if these action buttons are based on the amount of the form being reviewed, each time the total amount of the form changes, the toolbar will refresh only show newly applicable buttons based on the new value of the form.

Control Sheet - Withdrawn Section

  • Added a new section to the Control Sheet: Withdrawn
  • This section will include any Withdrawn / Rejected (Status Closed with ZZ=true) Budget Forecasts Types (FOR, TRADE, CNTG) and Withdrawn Contract Variations.
  • Working Forecast, Worst, Target, Best will show as $0 to not effect the forecast.
  • The forcasting fields will be be read only so they cannot be changed from $0.

Accept Variation Assessment

  • Added new new toolbar item: Accept Assessment on Contract Variations
  • This button will be shown when:
    • The Variation is Assessed and for a different amount to originally raised
    • Is Actioned to the Authors company
    • The current user is in the Authors company
    • Is not yet approved
    • Is not draft or withdrawn

When clicking it:

  • It will send the variation back to the previous action user.
  • Set the status back to the previous status.
  • Copy all the assessed values into the variation columns.

Control Sheet Summary Enhancements

Separated the Summary into:

Budget (only shown when not linked budget mode)

  • Show Budget Transfers and Variations Separately


  • Original Contract Sum
  • Approved Variations
  • Revised Contract Sum


  • Configure which Forecast form type rows display.
  • Added Previous Forecast Column
  • Added Variance to Previous Forecast Column

Additional changes

  • Net Gain / Loss (only shown when not linked budget mode)
  • Add a Variation Status column, which can be optionally enabled.
    • Include allowing the column to be filtered
  • Dynamically updating the Summary based on the selected filters.
  • Added a config option: Show Cost Code Columns in Summary?
    • Checked: include the per cost code breakout columns (previous)
    • Unchecked: don't show these columns. (new)
  • Capture the previous budget numbers on control sheet approval for comparison to previous / variance.

Control Sheets - Contractors - Approval History

  • Added the Summary section to the Control Sheet Excel as a new tab in Excel.
  • When clicking Approve, store an Excel copy of the Control Sheet.
  • Add a section to show who Approved the Control Sheet and when, and with a link to download the saved Excel snapshot.

Control Sheets - Claim History Columns Configuration

  • Added ability to configure which columns are configurable
  • Added ability to configure the column names 

Claims - Include Uncapped Sor In Retention

  • Added a configuration option: Include Uncapped / Hidden SoR rows in Retention Calculation
  • When selected calculation of the total value of the contract will include retention for these rows.
  • When selected the calculation of the mount of retention will include these rows.