Timeline View

What is the Timeline View

Teams can use the timeline view to plot their tasks chronologically - providing a single place to see scope and deadlines while having the ability to make changes when things come up along the way.

The timeline view represents the same information contained in the form register however visually as a timeline. 

The Timeline view can be found on any Form Register in the toolbar.  This example is on the Defects Form Register as shown in the screenshot.

1. Click on Views at the bottom right corner of the register. 

2. Choose Timeline.

3. The list of forms will display in the timeline view.  The Issued and Due Dates of each form are used to display it over a timeline. 

4. You can view the timeline by Date, Week, Month or Year. 

Saving a Timeline View

1. You can save a timeline as a report which you can access any time from the menu. To save the timeline as a menu item, click on the Save button. 

Click here for how to save a search.

Changing the Start and End date with Timeline 

As a user you can drag and drop or click and stretch the timeline display. This allows you to move the start and end date of the form without entering the form.Â