Push Form Configuration to Project

Before You Push Forms


 If your source project form has configuration that is permitted by role, group, company and / or users then the destination project needs to have those roles, groups, companies and / or users set up.

Refer here for Pushing Groups and here for Creating Groups.

Refer here for Pushing Users

Refer here for Creating Companies and Users in the contact register.

What does the Push Form Configuration to Projects utility look for?

RIB CX looks at the code of the form being pushed.   For example:

  • If the form being pushed from the Source Project has a code of GEN but the Destination Project does not have a form already with the code GEN the the form is copied over to the Destination Project with all configuration as set by the Source Project. .

  • If the form being pushed from the Source Project has a code of GEN and the Destination Project has a form with the code GEN already then this form will be overwritten. However refer to the below table for more information on what configuration is updated/overwritten.



General Settings
  • Basic
  • Reference Numbering

  • Status 

    • Approvers

    • Security (Open/Close)

    • Categories

  • Addressing

  • Comments

  • Toolbar

  • Splitting

  • Default values

  • Quick Text

User Fields (that DO NOT require Options)

  • General Criteria

  • Security Criteria

Designation project configuration is overwritten by the source project. 

User Fields that Require Options

(checkbox, radio, select and cascading user fields)

  • New Options are copied.
  • If Option Code exists in destination project but has a different description, the description is updated to that of the source project.

  • If destination project has existing options that are not on the source project then those destination project options are disabled.

No options defined.Has defined options.Destination project options are disabled.
Options are defined.Has same as per Source plus additional options.Destination project additional options are disabled. 
Options are defined.Has same options as Source.Destination project options remain as is.
Options are defined.Has some of the same options as Source but less.Destination project options will be updated to that of the Source project.


  • Status List

If Status Order No is the same in both projects but the Description is different, e.g.


when the form is pushed, the destination project will have two statuses with the same status order no.




Destination Project has order no. 10 with description of OPEN. 

Source Project has order no. 10 and description of CLOSE.

When the form is pushed to destination project the existing 10 OPEN will remain and another 10 CLOSE status will be created. 

The attributes (eg Default, Draft, For Approval, Initiated etc) from the Source Project will update the Destination Project.  


Designation Project has two 10 statuses (CLOSE and OPEN).

Source Project has one 10 status of OPEN then the Designation Project statuses are updated and the 10 CLOSE status is retired (inset).  However, if the 10 CLOSE status was in use it will NOT be retired.

  •  Allocations

eg. Source Project Open Status has Allocation to TENDERADMINS.

Destination Project Open Status currently has Allocation to PROJECTADMINS.

When the form is pushed from the Source Project the Destination Project Open Status Allocation is updated to TENDERADMINS as per the Source Project.

If additional Allocations are given to the Source Project and the form is pushed the Destination Project will include the additional Allocations. eg. Source Project Open Status has TENDERADMINS and BUDGETADMINS and Destination Project Open Status has only TENDERADMINS, when form is pushed to BUDGETADMINS will be added to the Destination Project's Status Allocation. 

  • Status Action Buttons

If the form exists in the destination project and has status action buttons with:

  • different names or are in addition to that on the source project, these status action buttons will be retired.
  • the same name as the source project, the configuration criteria will be updated on the destination project to match that of the source project.
  • Triggers

Triggers do not get pushed over with the form.  Therefore you will need to refer to here to learn how to push the document triggers.

Pushing Form Configuration

1. Go to Configure > Utilities.

2. Click Push Form Configuration to Projects. 

3. Select from the drop down the forms to be pushed to another project/s.

4. If you want to push common user fields place a tick in the box "Include Common User Fields". This will push the common user fields (including any options) to the destination project as normal user fields. (i.e. the user fields will not be common in the destination project).  


If a common user field is retired in the source project but IN USE in the destination project no change will take affect.

If the destination project requires different options for Common User Fields that are cascading, select, radio and/or checkboxes to that of the source project, DO NOT  tick "Include Common User Fields".

5. Select from the drop down the project/s you want to push the groups to. 

Only the projects that you have access to will appear in the drop down list. 

6. Click Process when you are ready.

When a form is pushed from one project to another and an user field is retired - the system will record this entry to indicate that the user field was retired

We’ve added additional options to the Form Push Utility, that willl allow you to control which aspects of a Form Type you can push for even greater customisation when you need to update Form Types across a number of projects.

Options for Push Form Configuration Utility

Push Form Config Utility has other options that will allow you to control which aspects of a Form Type you can push. This offers the user a high level of customisation when Forms need to be updated across a number of projects.

You can control the following elements during a form push : 

  • Form Status

  • User Fields

    • Include common user fields

    • Push and Overwrite Existing
    • Push and Add to Existing
  • Form Layout

  • Default Text

This table lists the affect of each option : 


If off

If on



Do not push statuses, leave destination statuses as is

Copy statuses as per current status copy logic


User Fields

Do not push or import user fields, leave destination as is

You will not see selections 4 and 5

Copy user fields/options as per current logic

Push and Overwrite Existing (point 5. below) will be selected by default

3Include common fields show this under user fields


Push and Overwrite Existing (default)

Either 4. or 5. needs to be selected

Updates descriptions and overwrites existing options in the destination with matching codes from the source

Disables options in the destination that are not in the source

Deletes options from the destination that are not in the source

Adds options to the destination that are in the source but not already present in the destination

If a source option is disabled, it updates the description of the destination and disables it (if the option is in use)

If a source option is deleted, it updates the description of the destination and deletes it (if the option is not in use; if in use, it disables it)

5Push and Add to ExistingEither 4. or 5. needs to be selected

Add new options from the source to the destination

Does not update existing option codes or descriptions in the destination


Form Layout

Do not push Form Layout, leave destination as is

Copy form layout

If form layout is pushed without required fields, shows those as empty slots in the form layout


Default Text

Do not push default text, leave destination as is

Copy default text

Below is an example of how selection 4. and 5. would operate : 

If User Field in Export form and Destination form looked like below Before Import : 

With Selection 4. Destination user field Options would look like this After Import

With Selection 5. Destination user field Options would look like this After Import :

If at any point you are uncertain about the best options to use for your project and as this is an Admin tool that can potentially update many Live forms across many projects it is best to reach out to our Support/Consulting team, who will be happy to assist you in identifying the best approach.

Import Log

Form Type History: Logs the selected option used during the push for the form type.

User Field (UF) History: Logs the selected option used when pushing the User Field.

Push Form Config Utility - Include Form-Specific Triggers

When pushing a form, it will also include the form-specific triggers i.e triggers added through the form layout designer.

This means that after pushing the form, admin user will not need to re-configure the form-specific triggers