Inspect Defects Using the Mobile App
Inspecting and Closing Defects is easy with RIB CX Mobile.
Inspecting a Defect
First we need to find the Defects we want to Inspect. To do this search the Defect list for the Location you are working in
1. Go to the Search page for Defects
2. Select the Location you want
3. Select the Status as Ready to Inspect
4. Click Search
5. You are now on a list of Defects which can be inspected.
6. Select the Defect from the list that you want to inspect.
7. The defect will open.
8. Once you have inspected the defect, click on the 3 dots select either pass or fail.
Resolving the Defect
1. To pass the defects, simply click on the Pass button.
2. Confirm your selection.
3. The status changes to RECTIFIED and closes the defect.
Works Have Not Been Completed
1. To Fail the defect, simply click on the Fail button.
2. Confirm your selection.
3. The status changes to ISSUED FOR REPAIR and returns it to the subcontractor for re-work.
This cycle continues until the defect repair is deemed to be RECTIFIED by the Defect Manager.
Multiple Trades to Need to Rectify a Defect
Where a Defect requires the involvement of multiple trades for rectification follow these steps:
1. Select the defect that you want to inspect.
2. Click on the 3 dots.
3. Scroll to bolded ISSUED FOR REPAIR and select the next trade to action the defect.
4. The status changes to ISSUED FOR REPAIR and send the defect off to the next trade selected.
This defect will then go through the cycle until the Defect Manager deems it to be RECTIFIED.