Accept a Bid

Accept a bid is used if:

  1. You are using the Tender Recommendation Form.  Once the Tender Recommendation Form is approved you must Accept a Bid before being able to Award the Bid. 
  2. If you are still gathering information and are not ready to award the bid but would like to accept the bid.

Accepting a Bid

Once a bid has been accepted it cannot be undone. The package will be closed and no further action can be taken. 

Accept A Bid

1. Select desired bid.

2. From the Post Submission Actions drop down select Accept Bid.

3. On the accept bid page, confirm that you want accept this bid.

Change an Accepted Bid to Another Status

1. Select Undo Accept Bid from the Post Submission Actions button.

2. Confirm you want to undo by clicking on the Undo button.