Answer Bidder Questions
Former user (Deleted)
Usman Shahid (Deactivated)
Former user (Deleted)
Bidders can ask you a question from their Bidder page.
How Do I Know When a Bidder has Asked a Question?
When a bidder has asked a question it will appear as a notification in your Notifications To Do List.
Clicking on the notification will take you to the Question and Answers tab of the package.
Alternatively, if you are in the tender dashboard you will see a number (depending on how many questions have been asked) in the Questions box.
Question and Answers Tab
The Q&A tab contains all questions received from bidders. These are displayed in a forum thread where you can see who the question is from and when, and also includes your responses back to the bidder. You can also start threads on this page.
When answering a question from a bidder you can choose to respond to them directly or respond to all bidders.
Respond Directly to the Bidder
1. In the Received tab, select the question you want to respond to, then click the respond button.
2. In the text box enter your response and when you’re finished, click Submit.
3. The Bidder will receive an email informing them of your response and the question will be moved into the Sent tab.
Respond to All Bidders
Occasionally you might receive a question from a bidder that you think is important to clarify to all bidders on the package.
1. In the Received tab, select the question you want to respond to, then click the Respond All button.
2. A Warning Message will appear. If you are happy to respond to ALL Click Ok.
3. You will see 2 text boxes. The upper most box is the original question asked by the Bidder. When you Respond to All, the question will be displayed to all bidders so it is advised if there is any information that may identify the bidder you will need to remove this information before sending.
3. The box underneath is where you can enter your response. You can add attachments if required. When you are ready Click Submit.
4. All bidders on the package will receive a notification informing them of your response. Confidentiality is key with RIB CX Tenders therefore Bidders cannot see who else is bidding.
In their bidder page the response will have the original question quoted and contain a message to tell them why they are receiving the clarification.
Access to Tender Submissions (Without Tender Module Access)
You can access the tender documents you are addressed on - even if you do not directly have access to the tenders module.
To be clear - you will not have access to the Tenders Module it self, but you will have access to all the forms that you have been addressed on, such as a Tender clarification.
Export Question and Answer Thread to a Package Report
To export the Question and Answers Thread to a Package Report click on the "Package PDF" button on the progress tab of a package.
The Q&A threads will be added to the package PDF.
Quick Close for Tender Questions (Clarifications)
A quick close button can be configured for tender clarifications. This will close the question with one click.
To configure a quick close button you need to be a document type admin. Click here for how to update status to quick close.