Document Triggers
Create a Trigger
Click Add New.
Trigger Name
Give your Trigger a Name.
When This Happens....
Choose Form Type
Choose one or multiple form types that you want this trigger to apply to.
Choose Trigger Action
Choose when you want the trigger to happen.
Created = A new form is created. (Draft or Issued).
Status Changed = An existing form’s status is changed.
Created or Status Changed = refer to Created and Status changed above.
Commented On = Adding a text based response to the form, which will show up under the comments section.
Created or Commented On = refer to Created and Commented On above.
Updated = Form Revision, Addressing, Status, User Field, Due Date, Title etc is changed, or the form is Commented on, or an Attachment is added.
Created or Updated = refer Created and Updated above.
Based on User Field Change = When a user field is changed.
Applies to all places that support triggers
Modern Forms
Quick Reply
Classic Forms
Quick Reply
Inline Edit Saved Search
Import Utilities
Based on Status
For the following Trigger Actions choose what status the form has to be in for the trigger to occur.
Status Changed.
Created or Status Changed.
Commented On.
Created or Commented On.
Created or Updated.
Action Performed By
Leave this blank if anyone can perform this trigger or add users that can perform this trigger
Based on User Field Change
Choosing based on a User Field Change will give you the following extra criteria to complete.
Choose a User Field
Supported fields are checkbox, select, radio
You can configure a trigger for fields outside of a list or within a list
If you select a trigger user field that is outside of the list control you can only update other user fields outside of a list.
If you select a trigger user field that is within a list control, you can only update user fields within that same list control.
Dependent on the user field you have chosen the available options for that user field will list here and you can choose which option you want to equal or which ones you want for contains.
Add Condition
Click on Add Condition if you would like to create more criteria that this trigger must meet.
Clear Fields When Condition is not Matched
e.g. If my trigger says when I select Y in the check user field on my form then autofill the user ID of the user who selected Y and the date in which they did:
Unticked means - if I change my option to something other than Y on my form then the User ID and Date will stay on the form.
Ticked means - if I change my option to something other than Y on my form then the User ID and Date will be removed.
Similar method can be used for scenarios where you want to assign the form to a different team based on user's selection
Do This....
Choose an Action
Choose an action to update.
Choose Action |
Update current form Updates the chosen event field (see next table) for the current form only. | |
Update most recently issued linked form of a certain type When you choose a form type here, the trigger updates the chosen event field (see next table) in the most recently issued linked form of this form type. | |
Update form linked to a tender package Updates the chosen event field on the form type you have chosen if the form is linked to a tender package. | |
Create new form A trigger will create the chosen form type. | |
Trigger a URL A trigger will open the URL specified. | Allows users to trigger a URL and post relevant data to the API through a method of their choice - GET or POST. Once the user selects the Trigger a URL option, they can paste a custom URL in the input box. The software will then replace the project name, document ID, and form type with the syntax provided by the user. Users can include ProjectName, DocumentId, DocTypeCode (e.g. COR, CTR, CLM etc.), and DocCode (e.g. GEN, RFI etc.) in the syntax. When the trigger is executed, the relevant data will be posted to the API, with a form of replace being used to standardise the syntax, making it easy to integrate other applications with RIB CX. The feature supports methods:
Choose Update Event Field
Choose which user field you want update.
Set the action you want to update.
Document Triggers support changing the Action user field of a form using a contact field.
Choose Update Event Field | Set |
Contact user field |
Prerequisites A contact user field that is configured is required. | |
Date user field |
| |
Text user field |
| |
Select, Cascading, Radio, Checkboxes, Attachment List user fields |
Overwrite Function
Allows you to overwrite a value set by a trigger if that option is turned on. If its off then once the value has been set the first time by a trigger, it will not be overwritten
Calculation, Coordinate, Currency, Document List and Number user fields are NOT available to be chosen for this feature.
Click Save when done.
As a user of overwrite function :
As a user of overwrite function example when you create or change the status of an Action Point to the Open status, then the current Action Point will be updated with the Project Date and Time inserted into the Start Date user field on the form.
If there is another date and time already in the a user field it will be overwritten (if the Overwrite checkbox is ticked).
In this example, when you create or change the status of a Budget Transfer to the Approved status, the current form will be updated with the Project Date and Time inserted into the Approved Date user field and the Current Logged in User inserted into the Final Approver user field.
If there is data already in these two user fields they will be overwritten (if the Overwrite checkbox is ticked).
Example of Trigger with User Fields Outside of a List Table
Below is an example of a trigger configured to update the contact and date user fields outside of a list table when the checkbox is ticked as Yes.
Example of Trigger with User Fields Inside of a List Table
Below is an example of a trigger configured to update contact and date user fields within a list table when the checkbox is ticked as Yes.
As the trigger is applicable to the whole list control, each row can be updated with the same trigger.
Automation and Triggers
Document triggers can be configured to run automatically based on the status of another form. This is shown in the section below.
Auto Tick Checkbox if Associated Form is Closed
This function is best explained with an example. In this case the example is of a LOT form where if the Related user field in a Document List shows a Test Request form that is 'Closed', we will will trigger a Checkbox to say Yes automatically. The key take away here is that the Checkbox can be triggered to say Yes automatically rather than someone clicking it manually.
First we start off by placing a 'Related' user field in a Document List. Set it's settings to 'Manual' mode and have it Display a 'List of Forms'. This will ensure that the related field will show forms related to this LOT (Forms such as Test Request, Action Point, etc).
Then we go to Configure → Document Triggers → Add New
Choose Form Type : LOT
Choose Trigger Action : Based on user field change
Choose User Field : Related (which is in the Document List)
Status Category Lookup: When using a document list user field in the criteria, the system will look up the status category type 'Option' of the forms in the document list user field.
Configurable Status Category 'Option' : Users can configure criteria such as Doclist User Field Status Category 'Option' to 'Closed'
Trigger Logic: When responding to a form with such a trigger, the system checks the forms in the document list user field. If they match the configured criteria (e.g., all forms are in a status category of closed), the trigger runs and updates any post actions.
The last step to automation :
User Field Settings Update: In 'CHECK' user field Security settings, a tick box will appear below the editable field if there are triggers that update that field.
Tick Box Functionality: If the user ticks this box, a list of triggers that will update this user field is shown. If ticked, the field in the form will not be editable manually and will only update based on the trigger. If not ticked, the user can manually edit it if they have edit rights.
Empty Doc List Handling: If the document list user field is empty, the trigger will not run, and the field will still be locked and uneditable if set to only update via a trigger
Only Populate Based on Trigger
User Field Settings Enhancement:
A tick box will now be displayed in the user field security settings, but only if there are triggers that update that field below the editable field.
Trigger List Display:
If the user ticks the tick box, a list of triggers that will update this user field will be shown.
Field Editability:
If the tick box is selected, the field within the form becomes non-editable and will only update based on the trigger.
If the tick box is not selected, the user can manually edit the field, provided they have the necessary edit rights per normal security protocols.
When hovering over a field that is updated by triggers, this message will be shown; "This field cannot be manually edited. It will be updated by the following triggers: [Trigger name]."
Configure Multiple User Field Based Trigger Conditions
Empower users to streamline workflows effortlessly with the ability to add multiple trigger conditions based on user field changes. With this feature, users gain greater control and precision in automating actions, ensuring tasks are executed precisely when needed.
You can now add 2 or more conditions when the trigger action is based on user field change and then add more than 1 user field to the trigger conditions.
Update User Fields Based on the Value of Another User Field
You now also have the ability to populate other selectable user fields based on the value of another user field(s). Previously you could only update Contact and Date User Fields via a trigger
With this release, we have extended this list to support these User Fields as well
Select (can set 1 or more options based on what is allowed in the user field)
Checkbox (can set 1 or more options based on what is allowed in the user field)
Cascading (can set 1 or more options based on what is allowed in the user field)
Radio (only supports setting 1 value at a time)
Update a Date Field Based on the Code of a Select Field
Date fields can now be updated based on the code of a select field.
The reference select fields codes must be configured as follows
A number followed by M or D
M is months
D is days
W is weeks
Possible options
Select Field Code | Description |
01M | Add 1 month to current date or date field value |
1M | Add 1 month to current date or date field value |
2M | Add 2 month to current date or date field value |
10D | Add 10 days to current date or date field value |
Date fields can also now be populated in these ways
Update method | Explanation |
Project date and time | Update date field with current date and time |
Specific date and time | Set a specific date and time value |
User field value from trigger form | Update date field from a trigger form |
Based on select field code | Update date field based on a select field code. |
In the example below we have configured a Date field (Auto date) to be updated based on a select field value (Daysmonths)
The select field options are populated as follows
To see how triggers can be used in date calculations, click Calculations based on date field
- 1 Create a Trigger
- 1.1 Trigger Name
- 1.2 When This Happens....
- 1.2.1 Choose Form Type
- 1.2.2 Choose Trigger Action
- 1.2.3 Based on Status
- 1.2.4 Action Performed By
- 1.2.5 Based on User Field Change
- Choose a User Field
- Value
- Option
- Add Condition
- Clear Fields When Condition is not Matched
- 1.3 Do This....
- 1.3.1 Choose an Action
- 1.3.2 Choose Update Event Field
- 1.3.3 Overwrite Function
- 2 Example of Trigger with User Fields Outside of a List Table
- 3 Example of Trigger with User Fields Inside of a List Table
- 4 Automation and Triggers
- 5 Configure Multiple User Field Based Trigger Conditions
- 6 Update User Fields Based on the Value of Another User Field
- 7 Update a Date Field Based on the Code of a Select Field