Shortlist Bidders

Shortlist a Bidder

1. Go to the Package Progress Tab.

2. Select the Bidder you wish to Shortlist.

3. From the Bidder Actions select - Shortlist Bidder.

Shortlist Multiple Bidders

1. Go to the Package Progress Tab.

2. Select the Bidders you wish to Shortlist.

3. From the Bidder Tools select - Shortlist Bidders.

Notify Shortlisted Bidders / Notify Bidders who were not Shortlisted

1. After clicking Shortlist Bid you will be shown a screen with options to optionally Notify Shortlisted Bidders and Not Shortlisted Bidders.

2. Make Selections are required, fill in the email text and click on Done to send these notifications.

Best and Final Offers

At the time of Shortlisting Bidders you can also request a Best and Final Offer from Bidders by ticking the Request Best and Final offer option.

Choosing the ‘Best And Final Offer’ will delete all existing financials in the Tender Evaluation Report, however they will be preserved in the View Bid Screen and these Bids can still be ‘Recommended’ at the original rate.

Best And Final Offers will not be accepted after the Closed date if the Tender Project Settings are configured to enforce that date.

You can also Request a best and Final offer from the Bidder tools on drop down.

Progress Tab with Shortlisted Bidders

Once a Bidder(s) has been Shortlisted the Progress tab will be updated to show the Shortlisted bidders in a separate section.

Hovering over the little icon for a bidder will alert you as to whether a BAFO (Best and Final Officer) has been requested or not.