Using List Tables


List tables are used to display data in a table format within the form. The table can have as many columns and rows as required. This help page shows how to add these rows in the best way.

An example of these list tables can be found in ITP and LOT forms within the Quality module.

For cases in which bulk rows of information need to be added, users may also choose to ‘Download Template' and insert the data into the Excel format. This page shows below how this works.

Adding Data to the List Table 

Generally, a List Table will have no rows when a form is first created. 

  • To get started (manually) populating your List Table, press 'Add Row' 

  • Now that you have your first row, click into each of the columns to input data into each of the relevant user fields.

While using List Tables, the following buttons are available: 

  • Download Template: To IMPORT FROM CLIPBOARD. See instructions below.

  • Insert Before: Insert a row BEFORE the currently selected row

  • Delete: This will DELETE the selected row

  • Insert After: Insert a row AFTER the currently selected row

  • Add Row: Insert a new row AT THE END OF LIST table


You can use the search function in RIB CX to search on user fields located within the List. For a guide to Search on a List (Table), click here.

Import from Clipboard

For cases in which bulk rows of information need to be added, users may also choose to 'Download Template' and populate the data in this way.

  1. Click '

Download Template' 

  1. Open the Excel Template file and fill in the column data as desired 

  1. Select all Template Table Data

(excluding the Header Row) and Copy (CTRL+C)

  1. Move to the List Table and Click in the Header Row 

  1. Press '

CTRL+V' to paste the data from your clipboard into the List Table 

  1. The List Table should now be populated with your data! 

When using the Download Template/ Import from Clipboard feature, you must consider the field type which you are populating. 

For example, if the user field is a Number field therefore accepting only numeric input, it would not populate text placed in this column into the List Table. 

Another example would be user fields with Options associated (Select, Radio, Checkbox, etc.).
The data input into this column should match with the available options for this user field type in order to import smoothly. 

Freeze Header Rows for Lists and Related Summaries

When it comes to header formatting,  header rows for Lists and Related Summaries will be locked/frozen as you scroll the page vertically. This will help you review your forms and information in a much more efficient way - knowing which row are you looking at and which Header does it relate to (even at the bottom of the page)


Horizontal Scrollbar for Forms to the Bottom of the Screen

Horizontal scrollbar for Forms to the bottom of the page so that it is always visible and only appears when required.

It will only move the list section of the form. So now you can navigate large lists in a user friendly manner while keeping all other form data always in view.


Support for Tabbing Between Fields on a Form and List

Keyboard tabbing is available for fields on the form and within lists. By pressing the 'Tab' button on your keyboard, you can work through your form metadata much more efficiently enabling streamlined data input and editing.

This helps with a more intuitive interface and reducing the need for hovering between mouse and keyboard.