Budget Links to Contracts, Variations and Forecasts

Sometimes referred to as Complex Commitments.  When enabled, the linked budget drop down field will show when editing or creating Contracts, Variations and Forecasts.  


Refer Here for how to Create a Budget.

Screenshot of a single budget with two parent rows (Building A and Building B) with the trades for each displayed underneath. 


When creating the contract the Linked Budget Line dropdown will be available.  Each row is linked back to the required budget line item.


When a variation is submitted from a Subcontractor for approval, the Linked Budget Line dropdown will be available. Each row is linked back to the required budget line item.


On the Claim submitted by the subcontractor the variation can be shown as one line item or expanded to view all line items.

Control Sheet

When looking at the Control Sheet the two linked budget lines are displayed separately.

When the config option is set to Linked Budget, the budget amounts are a Sum of any matching line items on contracts linked to this budget line.

  1. Contract Amount
  2. Contract Variations Pending
  3. Contract Variations Approved
  4. Uncommitted Works
  5. Claims Pending
  6. Claims Approved



'Certified to Date' Amount

If a variation has multiple linked budget lines, 'Certified to Date' Amount is displayed once in Control Sheets for variations with multiple BGT lines



Budget Figures Recalculated

When updating or adding amounts to the budget line, these figures will also be recalculated:

1. Contract Committed To Date

2. Forecast Cost to Complete

3. Variance To Estimate

4. Percentage Completed

5. Also, recalculate the numbers on all sub-header and header rows.

The Budget Line History page reflects all the updated recalculations.