Forecast Records
Forecasts allow you to add a prediction of an additional cost not associated with a contract variation. A forecast record will display on the budget in the Uncommitted Works column and is included in the Forecast Cost to Complete. It can remain in the budget until no longer required or the cost becomes a variation.
Adding a Forecast
1. Select the budget.
2. Click on the line item to bring up the Line item history.
3. Click Forecast in the toolbar.
4. Enter a Title describing the forecast issue.
5. Address the forecast. This will give others access to this Forecast record.
6. Enter the item's new Description, Quantity and Rate. You may insert additional lines and indent sub-items as needed.
7. Click Submit.
Removing a Forecast
1. Select the Forecast you want to remove from either the Forecast register:
or the Budget History
2. When the Forecast form appears click on respond.
3. Change the Status to Closed.
4. Click Submit.
The amount of the forecast will be removed from the budget. The forecast will remain in the budget history and the forecast register for audit history.
Log changes to forecast values (made via control sheet)
Forecast form history is updated when its values are changed from the control sheet.