Finding things in RIB CX is easy. Below are some useful operators and functions for keyword searching to get the best out of your search results.

Search for X or Y. This will return results related to X or Y, or both. Note: The default RIB CXoperator is OR. By this, it means that if you search for stage five without the OR operator it will search for results related to stage OR five.
stage five
roof tiles
Search for X or Y. This will return results related to X or Y, or both.
rib OR software
Force an exact-match search. Use this to refine results for ambiguous searches, or to exclude synonyms when searching for single words.
“RIB Software”
Search for X and Y. This will return only results related to both X and Y.
rib AND software
Wildcard *
Acts as a wildcard and will match any word or phrase.
rib*, will look for results with any word of phrase after rib
"rib software"* , will look for results with the phrase rib software with any word or phrase after rib software
rib* software, will look for results with the word rib with any word or phrase after it OR the word software