Creating Action Points From the Lot
The LOT form is used to manage quality requirements for a section or Lot of work. All Action Points including Hold, Witness and Inspection points should be created from the relevant LOT or associated back to it if created independently.
To create an Action Point, follow the steps below.
1. Access the Quality Dashboard and click on the Outstanding Lots widget.
2. When the Outstanding Lot list displays, click on the relevant LOT reference No.
3. The LOT will display in the right hand side of the screen. Click Respond on the bottom of the form.
4. When the response window opens, click the inline form selector, to choose the type of document you wish to create. In this case, an Action Point.
5. A new Action Point will be created and shows inline against the Task. Click the link to open the newly created Action Point.
6. When the Action Point form displays, you will notice that all like information has copied over from the LOT and it will be addressed to yourself i.e. the person who created the form inline.
7. Click Respond to add Action Point specific detail.
8. When the Action Point opens check or add the following:
- Action - Address the relevant person.
- Record Type - Select the type from Hold Point, Inspection Point, Witness Point.
- Remarks - Add as necessary.
- Schedule - Add the Start Date and Time and the Finish Date and Time.
9. Once details are complete, Click Submit to issue to the action person.