BIM (Building Information Modelling)
Collaborate on projects using your BIM model.
Setting Up BIM Module
Learn how to set up the BIM module and upload your first model file. (Administrator Only)
Navigate the Model
Find out the basics, of navigating the model and filtering it.
Filter the Model
Filter the Model by Location or Attributes.
View Model Attributes
See an object's attributes.
View Project Information Linked to an Object
View forms and documents linked to an object.
Link Forms and Documents to the Model
Associate forms and documents to the model.
Split From an Object to Create a New Form
Use the split button to create a new form.
Split Using a Custom Button to Create a New Form
Split direct to a particular form using the Custom Buttons.
Report on the Model
Learn about reporting capabilities within the BIM module.
BIM for Handover
Export a copy of your project that includes all the BIM data and linked forms and documents.