Dashboard Map View - Pin to a Map

Dashboard Map View - Pin to a Map


This needs to be set up by your Administrator.  Refer here for more information regarding Coordinate user fields.

The Coordinate user field needs to be added to your form and the GPS information captured using the mobile app.

Map View

1. Go to the Dashboard

2. Open a List

3. Click on the Map tab.

4. You can click on a pin to get a summary of the form and then click on the View button to view the form

Add a Pin to a Map

1. On the map view, click on the add pin option.

2. Place the pin on the desired location of the map.

3. Then click on Create Form.

4. This will load up a screen you can create a new form or link existing forms.

5. Once you've added the pin, the pin marker will be shown on the map.

6. Click on the pin marker to see a summary of the form.

Link More Forms to a Pin

To link more forms to this pin click on the Link Icon on the summary screen.

Filter the Map View by Pin Type

You can filter the map by the pin form type or their statuses.