22.04 (April) Release

22.04 (April) Release

The first iTWO cx release for 2022 introduces further enhancements for our platform, headlined by newly refined dashboards for users to get excited about. These new dashboards have been informed by client feedback, making it easier than ever for users to display data the way they want.

We have also improved our modern forms designer and added a new user field that supports a wide variety of handy calculations.

All these features and more are explored below.

This latest version will begin automatically rolling out across iTWO cx projects on 6 April.

Modern Form Designer

We continue to add new features to the modern form designer as we get close to transitioning forms from the old forms editor to the new one.

Features added in this release include

Updated Addressbook

Support for additional user fields

  • GPS
  • Budget Link
  • Bidder List
  • Signature

Support for importing data from the clipboard into the list control

Control notifications on a form (Interface update)

Updated User Interface for Document List and Attachment List User Fields

Standard iTWO cx Styles to format your forms quicker

Calculation User Field

In this release, we are introducing a new type of user field that will allow you to perform simple calculations based on the user fields on a list control. We are calling it the calculation user field. We believe it will help you supercharge your forms.

Supported user fields are

  • Currency
  • Number
  • Select
  • Radio
  • Checkbox
  • Cascading

The calculation user field only supports user fields added to a list control

Configuration of the Calculation User Field

To get started, add a calculation user field to your form.

For the calculation user fields, we have a special tab called calculations.

Go to the calculations tab.

On this tab select the list control that you wish to run your calculations on.

Remember that a form can have more than one list control and you will need to pick the relevant list control to access the user fields assigned to that list control to use them in calculations.

Pick the field you wish to run calculations on

Select the criteria applicable to the user field type you have selected

Select the display style you wish to show the result of this calculation.

The display as options will change based on the user field you've selected for your calculations along with the criteria you are applying for the calculation.

Supported Calculations for Different User Fields

Below is a table detailing

  • the user fields supported
  • the applicable criteria for each user field type
  • the applicable Display as types for each criterion

Number / Currency User Fields

CriteriaDescriptionDisplay as 
AnyChecks all rows with any value (including empty)Count, Sum, Average
Not EmptyChecks for rows that are not empty in the listCount, Percentage, Average, Sum
EmptyChecks for empty rows in the listCount, Percentage
EqualsChecks all rows for a value equal to what is configuredCount, Percentage, Average, Sum
Not EqualsChecks all rows for a value that is not equal to what is configuredCount, Percentage, Average, Sum
Greater thanChecks all rows for a value greater than what is configuredCount, Percentage, Average, Sum
Greater than or Equal toChecks all rows for a value greater than or equal to what is configuredCount, Percentage, Average, Sum
Less thanChecks all rows for a value less than what is configuredCount, Percentage, Average, Sum
Less than or equal toChecks all rows for a value less than or equal to what is configuredCount, Percentage, Average, Sum

Select / Radio / Checkbox / Cascading

CriteriaDescriptionDisplay as 
AnyChecks all rows with any value (including empty)Count
Not EmptyChecks for rows that are not empty in the listCount, Percentage
EmptyChecks for empty rows in the listCount, Percentage
EqualsChecks all rows for a value equal to what is configuredCount, Percentage
Not EqualsChecks all rows for a value that is not equal to what is configuredCount, Percentage
ContainsChecks all rows that contain the value that is configuredCount, Percentage
Not ContainsChecks all rows that does not contain the value that is configuredCount, Percentage


Widget - Average of user field 

We have also introduced a new option for count widgets where you are able to report on the average of a calculation user field across multiple forms.

In the Display as option pick average of user field

Then pick from the available calculation user fields.

In this example, we have 3 forms with the Checked Percentage user field populated.

As the configuration is to show the average of these 3 forms for the Checked Y User field

The calculation will be (80 + 80 + 40) / 3 = 66.67 %

Widget - % of Total Forms

With this percentage of total forms option for a count widget, you can calculate as a percentage the number of forms out of your total number of forms,  based on your widget criteria

In the Display as pick - % of total forms

Then provide your criteria in the query builder

In the example below, we are looking for the total number of closed forms as a percentage of the total number of forms.

As there is only 1 closed-form out of 3 total forms our calculation is (1/3) x 100% = 33.33 %

Creating Polygons on a Dashboard

In this release, we are introducing the ability for users to create shaded shapes on our map view which can then be linked to one or more forms. This feature will greatly benefit the Quality and Defects processes as you will be able to visually create areas for your inspections as well as your defect walkthroughs.

What are Polygons?

A polygon is a shaded/coloured area on the map that can be linked to a form.

  • To create a polygon on a map you must first add a GPS user field to the form type you wish to represent on the map.
  • To do this go to the user field config area of the form you wish to edit
  • Add a GPS field
  • Select the mode of Polygon
  • Pick the colour that you wish to use for the polygon that you create and you are set.

To start creating polygons you must go to your dashboard, and then add a count widget with the polygon form types you wish to associate with that widget.

To ensure the map view is loaded when clicking on this widget you can customise the default view for this widget to be the map view

Creating Polygons

To create a polygon, go to the map view on a dashboard, then click on the add polygon button.

Then click on the map to draw your polygon point by point and then double click at the end to complete drawing the polygon

Linking a form to a Polygon

Once a polygon is drawn you can click on the create form button to create a new form and link the form to the polygon

On the screen that appears for you to create a new form, you will see all the form types that have a GPS user field configured with the Polygon mode. 

Pick a form type from this list, fill in the details and submit the form.

The polygon will be created with a link to the form.

View a form linked to a Polygon

To view the form linked to the polygon click on the pill in the centre of the polygon, then click on the view button

Edit a Polygon

To edit a polygon click on the edit icon on the on hover screen

This will turn the points of the polygon into its editable state. You can then drag around the points to reshape/resize the polygon as required. And then simply click anywhere on the screen to save the changes.

Creating another form to link to an existing polygon

To create and link another form against an existing polygon click on the hover tool and then click on the + icon.

As you can only link the same form type as the one already linked to the polygon it will automatically load up that form for you. In this case the Services form.

Associating existing forms to a polygon

To link exiting forms of the same type already linked to a polygon, click on the link icon on the hover screen.

This will load up the associate screen, pre-filtered to the form type already linked to the polygon. In this example, it is prefiltered to the Services form type.

From here you can do a keyword search to find the forms you wish to link. 

Select the relevant forms and then click done.

Deleting a Polygons

To delete a polygon click on the delete icon on the hover screen and follow the prompts.

Note that deleting the polygon will not delete the forms you created against the polygon.

Filtering the Map by Polygons

You can filter your map view by the polygon form types you've configured against your widget.

To filter your map view click on the status filter

Filter by polygon form type and its status. Then click done to update the map.

Note that these filters are not saved and you will need to apply them again the next time you load this widget.

Graph Widget Improvements

We have upgraded our graph widgets with a number of new configurable options. Details below.

Sorting graph charts

For graph widgets related to user fields, you can sort the chart using these options

  • Ascending (by result count)
  • Descending (by result count)
  • A-Z (with this option the chart will be sorted using the value name)
  • Z-A (with this option the chart will be sorted using the value name)

When you pick a sorting option (ascending, descending) you can pick whether you wish to sort the chart by 

  • total number of records
  • open records
  • closed records

Cumulative graphs

Graphs that are represented over a time period can now be shown as a cumulative chart.

These charts can also be shown as a line or bar chart

Display data by code, descriptions or both

You can configure how the data in the charts are displayed. You can choose to display the data with

  • Code
  • Description
  • Both

Display more than 10 items on a graph

Graph widgets can now be configured as a full-width widget

And they display more than 10 options in the chart

To view more options you can use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out of the data.

You can also use your mouse to click and drag the chart left or right to see more data.

Chart type

Bar Chart or Line Chart

You can also display various charts as either a bar chart or a line chart.

Bar charts can also be configured as

  • Bar Chart stacked
  • Bar Chart next to each other

In a stacked bar chart the open and closed forms will display in a single bar which is stacked

In a bar chart where the data is next to each other the open and closed forms will be displayed as 2 bars.

Action Button Workflow Improvements

We are always working on improving our workflows to offer our users the best possible experience when using our forms to map out your processes. In this release, we are adding a number of key changes to improve action buttons.

Change Info user

You can now configure an action button to update the info user of a form. 

You can update the info using

  • Contact user field
  • Mapping user field
  • Or a specific user

Change due date

Similar to the above you can also configure the action button to update the due date of a form and move it forward by however many days as desired

Bulk Apply Action Buttons

With this release, you can now bulk apply an action button to multiple forms using a

  • A Saved Search
  • Dashboards

Bulk Apply Action buttons using a saved search

To apply an action button in bulk via a saved search you first need to add the tickbox column to the saved search

Then select the forms you wish to apply the bulk action button to

Then select the Bulk Apply Action Button from the Tools menu

The screen will now display all the available action buttons for the forms you have selected

They will be grouped by the action button. It will also list which forms will be updated if you picked a specific action button

Select the action button you wish to apply. Then click next

Review the confirmation then click on Submit

Bulk Apply Action buttons using a Dashboard

In a Dashboard list, you will see the Bulk Apply Action button options

When you pick the Bulk Apply Action Buttons option you will be able to tick the forms you wish to update, then click next

From here you can pick the Action Button you wish to apply in bulk and update your forms

Bulk Assign Action Button Values

From a Dashboard list, select the Bulk Assign Action Button Values option

Then pick the forms you wish to update and then click Next

On the next screen select the Select Action Button you wish to apply

Select the value you wish to apply to the forms you picked

And then click next

Review the confirmation and then click on Submit

Populate Action from a contact user field

Document Triggers have been updated to support changing the Action user of a form using a contact field. 


A contact user field that is configured as a required.

This configuration option is only available for Triggers that are set up for document creations.

When a form has this trigger applied, the action area of the form will display Workflow Applied as the trigger is what will populate the action user of the form.

With this configuration when the form is being created the trigger will populate the action user of the form using the value in the contact user field.

Publication Space

Make title required for Automatic Distributions

The title for automatic distributions can now be configured to be required. Prior to this release the title for an automatic distribution was automatically set with the ability to edit it prior to distributing the documents.

In the transmittals area of the Publication Space settings set the Automatic Distribution title to Custom.

Now when an automatic distribution is being submitted, the title will be shown as a required field.

Display the workflow cancellation message of the Workflow

When a workflow is cancelled and a reason is provided, it will be displayed in the Workflow Transmittal summary screen

Renaming a user field

With this release, you will be able to rename a user field directly from the Publication Space fields setting page.


Duplicate a package

For users who can Create new Packages, you can now duplicate issued and draft packages. 

For Draft packages, you will find the option under the actions toolbar

For Issued packages, you will find the duplicate button inside the package (after clicking Summary from the Tender Dashboard.) on the Package details page.

Duplicating a package will create a new draft package, with a complete copy of the package configuration, and will exclude any bidder interactions. (Questions, submissions etc.) from the original package.

The new package will copy the

  • Trade
  • Bidders
  • Package Details
  • Documents
  • Price Submissions
  • Variations
  • Scope of Works
All data that is copied to the new package will be the latest data (i.e. the data from the latest addenda if one has been issued)

Configure who can edit a package

With this release, you can configure who can edit a package.

We have added a new security group that can be configured to achieve this.

Package Admins

Under Configure> Modules > Tenders, Project Details Step, there is a new security configuration option called: Package Admin(s)

We also added a selection for "Who can edit packages?"

The options are

  • Anyone with Tender Module access
  • Main Contact, Info User(s) and Package Admin(s)
  • Main Contact and Package Admin(s) Only
  • Package Admin(s) Only

When creating a package, at the Package Details step, when Package Admin(s) are used, the package will display a new section to show the Package Admin(s)

These admin users added in settings cannot be removed however additional users can be added specifically to this package.

With this configured package editing will be restricted to the users on the tender settings page.

  • For Draft non-Issued packages - the edit button will be hidden
  • For issued packages - the user can access the Package Summary but all other actions will be restricted unless you are a package admin

Limit which Bidders can be added to a Package

If you are using a Pre-Approval form prior to creating your tender packages, you now have the ability to restrict how additional bidders can be added to those packages.

We added a new setting under Configure > Modules > Tenders, Package Config Step, Under Pre-Approval Form, called "Can only add new bidders from approved pre-approval form."

When this tickbox is ticked, it will restrict adding new bidders to a package to only those on the linked pre-approval form, when the form is in a Closed (not Draft or Withdrawn) status.

Display which users will be issued an Addenda

You will now be able to easily identify which bidders will be sent an addendum. The tender module now displays the count of bidders who will be sent the addenda as well as providing a link to see the full details of those bidders.

Improve the interface for the Intend to Respond button for bidders

We've improved the user interface so it is much easier for bidders to let projects know if they intend to bid on a particular package

Improve the Bidders page link on bidder emails

Tender emails have been improved so that its easy to locate the link to the bidder page

Add the bidders address to the package report

The bidder company's address has been added to the package report so you have a full export of all bidder information.

Easy access to Addenda reason

We've added a link on the documents tab for each added so you can easily review the reason why a particular addendum was sent out.

Contracts Administration Improvements

Salaries & Wages - Insert Row

Added a new button next to Add Row called Insert Row

Based on the currently selected row, this will insert a new row after that one within the S&W control sheets.

Salaries & Wages Control Sheets - Default Allocations

On Salaries and Wages Control sheets:

Added config for Start Finish Date, Default Allocation

  • Added a Start Date column (Month - Year selection)
  • Added a Finish Date column (Month - Year selection)
  • Added a new row for default allocation % (Default 100%)
  • When both dates are entered, pre-allocate all the applicable months as per the default allocation.

Salaries & Wages Control Sheets - Budget & Forecasting Enhancements

On Salaries and Wages Control sheets added comment boxes for

  • One-off Cost
  • Worst
  • Target
  • Best
  • Forecast Final Cost

Added new fields for Worst, Target & Best:

  • Time (no. of weeks) (Number)
  • Weekly Cost (Number)
  • Other Items (Number)
  • Total Position: (Time x Weekly Cost) + Other Items (Calculation)

Added Approve Button (Only can be pressed by Control Sheet Approvers)

  • Copies Final Forecast Cost into Previous Forecast
  • Variance is different between Current and Previous Forecast

Added Budget Rows

  • Original Budget (Number) (Manual Entry only)
  • Approved Variations (Number) (Manual Entry only)
  • Approved Budget (Calc) (Original Budget + Approved Variations)
  • Gain / Loss: Approved Budget - Final Forecast Cost (Calculation)
  • Append Delta to Worst, Target and Best labels.
  • Update Excel export based on new rows / columns and config settings.

Manually Manage Variation Rates and Scope of Work Items

Auditability Improvements

Record changes to status allocations page

All changes to the status allocation page are now recorded.

Record changes to User Groups

All changes to user groups are also logged in user groups history

Notifications Improvements

We've updated the options for the number of notifications you can display per page.

Once you change this setting it will be saved per user. 

You can also collapse the notification list should you wish to hide it from view. This will also be saved per user.

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