19.12 Release

19.12 Release

Our Q4 iTWOcx update encompasses a variety of helpful improvements, based upon user feedback we have received over the course of the year. Below is a summary of the new features and functionalities on offer


New columns - last closed date, due date when closed

Added new columns that can be used in saved search layouts that show you

  • The Last Closed Date - the date the document was previously moved to a closed state
  • Due Date when Closed - what the due date was when the document was closed

Forms Editor - Display Retired / Missing Fields (and their labels) on the form without errors

When a user field is retired from a form type it will no longer show an error on the form

Forms Editor - Form Field labels to be based off User Field Descriptions

We've added a new form editor tool that lets our consultants add a form label element that reads the description of the User Field. This will allow the project administrators to edit the user field description and have it reflected on the form instantly

These options can be found in the Data tab in the forms editor under a new section called User field Labels 

Support Selecting more than one related Form from a table

Now you can select more than one form from the Document List user field within a table

Support Selecting more than one related attachment from a table

Now you can select more than one attachment from the Document List user field within a table

Support applying Workflow to Forms created from the List

With this release, when a form is created from a Document List User field in a table, any relevant Correspondence Workflows will be applied to those forms.

  • If a form has only a single Workflow applicable to it , it will be automatically applied
  • If a form type has multiple Workflows that are applicable to it, the form type will be created in Draft, allowing you to edit the draft and pick the relevant Workflow

Publication Space

New revision sequence

Added a new revision sequence to the list of sequences iTWOcx supports

  • A.1...99 to A-Z then 00.1...99 to 0-99 then 00-A.1...99 to 00-A-Z

The system also supports two-digit numeric revision codes.

Show Distribution rule users in the Distribution window

If a distribution rule is applicable to a Distribution Transmittal it will now show those users on the distribution window


Bulk download folders for offline access

With the latest update to the mobile application, you can download multiple Publication documents or folders to the mobile device in bulk.

To to this navigate to the Publication Space
Select the document or folder you wish to download and click on the Download button

As you will be downloading large amounts of data we recommend that you are connected to a wifi network"

The above changes have been rolled out across all iTWOcx projects as of now. If you have any questions about the changes mentioned, feel free to contact us through support@rib-software.com.au.

Learn More About the Latest iTWOcx Additions

Our fully-integrated project management platform has improved greatly in 2019, and there are plenty more updates on the horizon for 2020. If you’d like to learn more about the latest functionalities on offer, or discuss the suitability of iTWOcx for your enterprise, don’t hesitate to contact your local Sales team today!