Status Report

The Status Report can be found on any Form Register in the Menu.  This example is on the Defects Form Register as shown in the screenshot.

1. Click on Views at the bottom right corner of the register. 

2. Choose Status Report.

3. The report can be:

  • filtered by columns. 
  • customised to add extra columns to the layout e.g. Action - All Users - Full Names.
  • exported to Excel.
  • saved with the filters applied.

The report provides information on:

  • Status From - what the status started was.
  • Status To - what the status is now.  From this you can tell whether a form has not been progressed past its initial status, as this column and the Updated By column will be blank.
  • Status Start - date the status was set (in Status From).
  • Status End - date the status was changed (in Status To).
  • Status Duration (Days) - how long each form has stayed in a particular status.
  • Selectable User Fields (default show required) - All user field values.
  • Each column can be filtered via the filter icon at the top of each column.

For more information on Searching Click Here.

Rearranging of Columns View in Status Report

Users can customise the Status Report by rearranging the columns to better suit your reporting needs.

Simply click the column picker and drag and drop to rearrange the columns in the report.

Additional columns

Additionally there area number of columns that you can add to the report by clicking the column picker. Some of the important ones are, Issued, Date Viewed, Reference, Modified, Author, Attention, Title, Status :

  • Action - All users - Full Names
  •  Action - All users ID only
  •  Action Company ID
  •  Action Company Name
  •  Action Days
  •  Action Display Name
  •  Action First Name
  •  Action Last Name
  •  Attached File Date List
  •  Attached File List
  •  Attached File Thumbnail (1st)
  •  Attached Thumbnails (large)
  •  Attached Thumbnails (small)
  •  Attachments
  • Author Company ID
  •  Author Company Name
  •  Author Display Name
  •  Author First Name
  •  Author Last Name
  •  Comments
  •  Created
  •  Date Due
  •  Date First Closed
  •  Date First Viewed
  •  Date Last Closed
  •  Days Open
  •  Days Remaining/Overdue
  •  Days to Close
  •  Document Tick Box
  •  Due Date For Closed
  •  Empty
  •  Estimated Days Till Start
  •  Estimated Days To Complete
  •  Estimated End Date
  •  Estimated Start Date
  •  Float Days
  •  Form Link
  •  Form Type
  •  Info - All users - Full Names
  •  Info - ID only
  •  Issued
  •  Lable
  •  Last Response 100 Chars
  •  Last Response 500 Chars
  •  Last Response Company ID
  •  Last Response Company Name
  •  Last Response Date
  •  Last Response Display Name
  •  Last Response First Name
  •  Last Response Last Name
  •  Last Response User ID
  •  Modified
  •  Project
  •  Rank
  •  Reference
  •  Reference Number Sequence
  •  Related Documents List
  •  Related Documents Status List
  •  Request
  •  Row Number
  •  Status
  •  Status by Colour
  •  Status Categories
  •  Status/Late
  •  Time Stamp
  •  Title
  •  Title/Read
  •  Waiting Days