scroll capability. |
| Added ability to display workflow comments in the workflow report. |
| Added ability to group Layers by Page and by Reviewer. | |
| Added ability to make a DRI private. |
| Added user field support for a DRI. | |
| Added support for scrolling a multi page document. |
| Added ability to set a comment Internal or Public from Issues tab. |
| Added ability to easily identify a consolidated markup rev from a list of revisions. |
| Added the Apply workflow option to the Workflow summary page to support applying a workflow directly from the summary page. |
| Added ability to fill out required user fields on DRI creation. | |
| Added ability to delete a DRI. | |
| Added ability to rename a single revision to create a new document. | |
| Added feature to display the number of outstanding design issues on a Multi page document thumbnail. |
| Added ability to associate forms to a workflow. |
| Consolidated the number of TX and DTX generated when during a distribution of documents. |
| Added ability to configure statuses closers for transmittal's. |
| Added ability to set Transmittal status when importing documents via excel. |
| Added retired as a searchable option in Suggested Search to easily locate retired documents. |
| Added ability to turn off automatic distributions so that the user has a choice in whether to send documents to previous recipients. |
| Added ability to customize the column width in the Publication Space per user (and store it for reuse). |
| Added ability to configure who the designator action user is for a DRI. |
| Added Split and and Associate options to a DRI toolbar. |
| Added config option to generate consolidated markups automatically at the end of a workflow. |
| Added a button to view review issues (DRI's) in a Workflow Summary. |
Core | Added ability to add internal and public comments on a form. | |
| Added ability to keep Q&A threads open even after the close date has passed on a tender package. |
| Added a new config option to restrict which users can reopen a closed document. |
| Added ability for Project Admins to view all distribution rules on a project. |
| Implemented Single Sign on Capability using Azure Active Directory (AAD) as external credentials authentication provider for a Company. |
| Implemented ability to save a document as a draft without filling in any required fields. |
| Implemented new utilities to allow to Importing Contract Admin form types using excel ( Budget, Contract, Claim, Contract Variations). |
| Implemented Status action buttons in with the response window of a form. |