Document List User Field

This is a special type of field that can be added to a form to allow the:

  • Creation of new forms from directly within a section of the form.
  • Link related documents i.e. link existing documents directly within a section of the form.

1. Go to Configure > Form Types.

2. Select the form you want to add the Document List user field to.

3. Click on the User Fields tab.

4. Click on Add New.

Create Document List User Field

1. Give the user field a code.

2. Give the user field a description.

3. Add helper text if required.

4. Size is not applicable for Document List user fields. 

5. Choose the security for your user field.

6. Choose your advanced settings.  In particular choose which forms will apply to this user field.   E.g. If Apply to All Forms is toggled on the user will be able to choose any form.  If it is toggled off you can restrict the forms the user can choose from.

7. Choose your Splitting settings.

8. Click Save.

For more information regarding Basic Settings, Format, Advanced Settings and Splitting Click Here.

For more information regarding Security Click Here.

Setting Manual or Dynamic Mode

Dynamic Document List User Field simplifies form management and saves valuable time. The document list user field can automatically populate relevant forms based on predefined criteria, eliminating the need for manual searching and linking. The Display Mode lets you choose between a progress bar or a list format for viewing associated forms, while the Update Mode ensures seamless data synchronization.

To use Dynamic Mode the Document List User Field needs to be set to Common in the Advanced Settings.

Configuring Dynamic Mode

1. Go to General tab, The Apply to All Form Types must be toggled off, and then add the forms "Restrict to the following document Types"

2. Go to Settings tab and click Dynamic

3. Add Form Fields and/or List fields to create the criteria.

The list of available fields for selections are defined by these settings

  • The fields from the form types you selected in the general tab
  • Whether the fields are configured as common across the form types you selected
  • Whether the fields match based on user field code, type, description on the form types you selected
  • Fields are selectable field types (Select, Radio, Cascading, Checkbox)

If the fields do not meet the above criteria, they will not be available for selection in the criteria section.

Form Fields

Are fields available outside of any list control on the form type you are configuring the dynamic field

List Fields

Are fields within a list of the form type you are configuring the dynamic field

Once a field from a list is selected, the available fields will be further refined to only show the remaining fields within that same list (if a form type has multiple list controls).

4. Select the Display Mode.

Display mode defines how the document list user field will be shown when viewing the form.

Progress Bar - shows the associated forms to the document list as a progress bar that shows Open, Late and Closed forms.

List of Forms - shows the associated forms as it does now i.e. a comma separated list.

5. Select the list style (applicable only for progress bar display mode).  This allows you to define whether the forms associated to the document list are expanded or collapsed by default. (Refer Progress Bar image above).

6. Select Update Mode.

On Form Update - the dynamic field is updated when the form is updated. An update to the form is defined as a response to the form.

On View - the dynamic field is updated based on viewing the form in the configured time period. (15 mins, hourly, daily).

6. When you are finished developing the criteria, click save.

7. When viewing the form after the document list user field is set to dynamic mode, the document list user field will automatically fill in the rows based on matching criteria.

In the example below it will search for forms where:

  • Zone = Zone 1
  • Discipline = Auto Train Protection
  • WBS = Phase 1 / Adelaide Yard

Manual Mode

Manual mode means you would manually link forms to the document list user field.

In manual mode you can configure whether:

  • to display the forms associated with the document list user field as a progress bar or a list of forms.
  • the table for each row is auto expanded or collapsed if configured as a progress bar.

Form View with Manual Mode

The document list user field can be shown as a progress bar or a list of fields.

On form response you can edit the document list user field.

Dynamic Document List - Include Publication Space standard fields

Dynamic Document List user fields supports three standard fields in Publication Space - 'PS Standard Fields'

  • Revision Status

  • Rev Type

  • Rev Discipline

No other standard fields are supported.

How to include Publication Space Standard Fields

To add these PS standard fields in the Dynamic Document List Field- you must add them with the following hardcoded codes when creating the select user field. Alternatively if they are existing user-fields you can change their codes to these hardcodes as well : 




You must import options to these fields that match with revision status, type and discipline.

  • If existing PS Standard field codes have any spaces or characters that are not supported in user field codes you must change those existing codes to achieve consistency between the codes of the Publication Space standard fields and the fields in the user fields added to the dynamic doc list.

  • To learn more about how to import options click 'Import User Field Options'

You cannot create a Document List field that mixes Forms and Publication Space documents. You must create a new Document List user field that is restricted to just Publication Space documents.

To restrict it just to Documents, ensure you toggle off "Apply to all Form Types"

Then add the standard fields to the Dynamic Document List settings. 

Go to 'Settings' tab in the user field, and add them under 'List Field'. 

Click Mode → 'Dynamic' 

Congratulations, this completes the set up! 

As a user: 

When the Dynamic DocList runs its search for Documents, it will look for the latest revisions of documents that match that criteria and associate it automatically with the DocList Field as shown below.

Document Display Format in Doc List

  1. Document Display Format:

    • Documents in a doc list user field are displayed in the following format:

      • Document# [Revision] (Rev Status)

    • Example: DEMO-ELE-ABC-WP01-PLN-E0001 [01] (APPROVED)

  2. Supported Scenarios:

    • Dynamic Doc List: Supports dynamically populating documents within the doc list.

    • Importing Document Links: Supports importing document links into the list.

    • Manual Selection: Supports manually selecting documents via the document list user field.

Creating a document from Document List user field

Document List user field enables you to create a document from your existing form. This is useful if you want to create associated or linked documents to the existing form. For example you might be creating an Quality Inspection Test Plant and want to create a linked Action Point with it.

Form Editor Style, a versatile feature offering customisable display styles and intuitive functionalities. Users can tailor the appearance of the document list to suit their preferences, choosing between two display styles: Button or Standard.

  • In Button style, documents are presented as clickable buttons, providing quick access to essential information.

  • OR in Standard style, the document list retains its familiar format

Button style will allow you to select one form to link. The benefit of  this is that you can have multiple Document List user fields, each restricted to one form type - making your process fool-proof.

Standard style will allow you to select multiple forms to link. The benefit of this is that you have flexibility to associate or link multiple forms to one Document List user field - thus having a one-to-many linkage.

This function will be using Custom Split. You can understand how to custom split by clicking here 

In both methods, it is important to link documents using Custom Split function

Configuration of Standard Vs Button style 

Create in Standard Form Style

This will allow you to click onto the 'menu' icon to open up a list of forms that have been linked by custom split function. You will be able to select multiple forms to link.

Two types of forms can be linked 1. Create New form or 2. Link Existing forms that already exist in the project. 

Step 1. Go to Configure → Forms → Form Designer. Click Document List user field from left menu and drag and drop user field where you would like it.

Step 2. In the user field where it says 'Form Styale', select Standard. 

Step 3. When editing the user field, toggle on 'Apply to all Form Types'

Step 4. Go to form's General tab → Splitting tab → Link the Custom Split forms by clicking '+ Add New Button'

In this step, when splitting, toggle off 'Show Split button' . This way user will not see a button on the bottom blue pane of the form.

As a user :

If you go to target form and click menu icon, you will have the option to click  '+ Create New' to link a new form or 'Link Existing' to link and existing forms. In example below, you see user selecting multiple forms to link.

Or you can click the menu icon on the right of 'Link Existing' to pop up a search window where you can search for associated form with more filters

When viewing an existing form, you may not see Document List icon. If you click 'Respond' you will view it. 

Create in Button Form Style

When a DocList field in Button mode is added to the form - it will be displayed as button on the form preview screen allowing the user to click it to create the configured form type.  

Similar to Standard Style, Button Style will allow user to click onto the 'menu' icon to open up a list of forms that have been linked by custom split function. Similar to Standard Style, you will be able to Create New form or Link Existing form from project.

But you will only be able to link one form to one document user field. 

Also you can optionally display the Reference, Title, and Status of the form linked with the DocList field.

Step 1. Go to Configure → Forms → Form Designer. Click Document List user field from left menu and drag and drop user field where you would like it.

Step 2. In the user field where it says 'Form Style', select Button

Step 3. When editing the user field under General tab, toggle off 'Apply to all Form Types'

Step 4. Under  'Restrict to the following document Types' add the Form that will be added in Custom Split.

Step 5. Select the form elements you would like to display on that button to identify which form is linked


View with Reference 

View with Title

View with Status

View with Reference, Title and Status 

Step 5. Go to form's 'General' tab → 'Splitting' tab → Link the Custom Split forms by clicking '+ Add New Button'

You may also want to configure 'Button Click Behaviour' 

Show Full Form will pop up the full form that is linked (default view)

Show Only Form will only show the section of the form and leave out details, collaborators, comments, etc shown below

As a user : 

You will notice that you are only able to link one form to the Document List user field. Also you see the full title, reference and status of the linked form (if that is configured). 

Below is an example of an RFI form linked to ITP form, where only the title of RFI is configured to show : 

Full-Form or Form-only modes

When configured in Button mode the DocList field offers the option to customise the behavior of what is displayed when the form associated with the DocList field is clicked.

Full-Form = will display the entire form as normal

Form only = will only display the Form section of the form you clicked on.

You only have access to the Respond button and any Action Buttons you configured in the toolbar.

When clicking on the form in the DocList field;

  • If you click the link from a form preview it will load the linked form in preview mode

  • If you click the link from a form response, it will load the linked form in edit mode.