22.08 (August) Release

The second iTWO cx release for 2022 introduces further enhancements for our platform, with many visual and layout improvements to give users a better overall picture of their project.

Some of the visual improvements include new coloured Status Categories for forms, plus an enhanced map view where pins can be added and linked to forms. Furthermore, total and sub-total figures can be displayed for relevant information when searching. We've also added the option to bulk edit user fields where required.

The key new features are explored below but there are plenty of other refinements on offer with Version 22.08


Add a pin on a map from the browser

Extending our map view capability we've added the ability to add a pin to a map and create or link an existing new form.

Configure Coordinate User Field

First, configure the form type you wish to add as a pin with a Cordinate user field and set it to Pin mode.

Add this form type to the dashboard config.

Add Pin to Map

On the map view, click on the Add pin options

Place the pin on the desired location of the map.

Then click on Create Form

This will load up a screen you can create a new form or link existing forms.

Once you've added the pin the pin marker will be shown on the map

Click on the pin marker to see a summary of the form.

Link more forms to a Pin

To link more forms to this pin click on the Link Icon on the summary screen

Filter the Map view by Pin Type

You can filter the map by the pin form type or their statuses

Calculation Widget - Sum of Currency / Number

Added support in the count widget options to display a user field value as Sum

  • When the Sum option is picked you can pick 
    • Calculations user fields
    • Curr/Num fields which are outside the list as well.
  • When configured - it will add up the numbers based on the field picked and show it in the widget.

Calculation Widget - Decimal places

Added option in the count widget when displaying % or an average of forms to display the configured number of decimals in the widget.


Configurable Status Categories (Colours)

With this release, we are introducing a new feature where you can categorise your form statuses and represent them with colours on your search and default form registers. This feature will also be extended to standards reports so that the status category colours will be used on the reports instead of the hardcoded colours we had before for Open, Late, Closed.

What is a Status Category?

A status category allows you to create one or more categories and add your existing form statuses into this group. A category can be assigned a unique colour. This will allow for

  • Better process management through structured reporting across all modules and form types
  • Easy visibility into bottlenecks in processes
  • Provides a basis to standardise reporting across all form types

How to Configure Status Categories

In the status options, editor screen go to the new Status Categories tab

By default, there will be 5 categories

  • Draft
  • For Approval
  • Open
  • Closed
  • Withdrawn/Cancelled

And your existing statuses will be allocated to one of these categories.

When creating a category Click on Add Status Category

Give your category a name and pick its type. There are 5 types available.

Depending on the type you select, the statuses configured in those types will be the ones you can pick for a category.

You cannot have a status in more than one category

You can assign a colour to a category by clicking on the colour picker.

Configuring Late and Due in Days Category

If you are configuring an Open Type Category you can also pick colours for the Late and Due in Days options.

Late forms are forms that have passed their due date.

Due in X Days forms are forms that are in a certain number of days.

You can assign a colour for both these options.

How to add the Status and Status Category Colours columns to your register view

Once Status Categories are configured, they can be added to your register layouts. The 2 new columns that you can add are

  • Status by Colour - this will display the Status by Colour (based on the status category they are in)
  • Status Categories - this will display the Status Category colour.

For a saved search you can add the Status by Colour and Status Categories columns to the layout by editing its layout.

For default registers, you can add them via the form type config page and access the Default Columns configuration screen.

Reports that are using Status Category colours.

  • Default Registers
  • Saved Searches
  • Pins Report
  • Timeline Views
  • Tender Dashboards
  • Design Review Issues Report.

Insert Attachments into Comments 

This feature is only available on Modern Forms

Added support for inserting an attachment (images) inline when adding a comment to a form.

When adding a comment you can drag and drop your attachment to the comments area. 

Then using the new Insert Attachment option on the toolbar, you can insert the attachment in-line, into your comment.


Total row (aggregates)

Added support for a new option in saved searches to add an aggregate (totals) row to search results

  • *Display Currency, Number and Calculation fields as a
    • Total
    • Average
    • Min
    • Max

Total row

To enable the total row for a saved search edit the saved search and go to the layout tab

Add the user fields for which you wish to show totals for into the layout.

Aggregates are supported for the field types below

  • Currency,
  • Number
  • Calculation fields

Select each field and configure the type calculation you wish to display per user field.

Supported Display types are

  • Total
  • Average
  • Min
  • Max

In the footer row option, select the Show Total Row option and click Save on the saved search to update the layout.

When you reload the saved search you will see the total row.

The totals shown are for the current page only. To see totals for all forms, change the number of items displayed per page to all.

Grouping and Sub Totals

Added ability to group search results by

  • Status
  • User fields (Select, Cascading)

And display total and Sub-Totals for the grouped results.

To configure groupings for your saved search, pick a value to group the results by. Available options are

  • Status
  • Select user fields
  • Cascading user fields

When a grouping option has been selected, you have extra options to show 

  • Sub totals for the groups
  • Total + Sub Total

Bulk assign user-field values

You can now bulk edit forms and apply metadata across multiple forms.

Add the tickbox column to the saved search.

Then in the bulk tools click Bulk Edit user fields

Edit the fields you wish to update with the new values and click Next

When multiple form types are added to a saved search the common fields will be shown first.

You can update the common fields for one form type or both by ticking the columns for the relevant form

Cannot bulk edit these fields (Exclude)

Document List               
Attachment List               
Bidder Contact List               
Budget Link               

Adjust columns in the user interface

We've made some improvements to the grid interface by displaying the Filter and Summary options as Icons.

We've also added a new option to the grid where users can add columns to saved searches and default registers on the fly

Admins and Saved Search admins can update the layout directly from search results

Timeline View

Default sort by Issued date

When viewing the timeline we've applied the default sort to be Issued Date

Sort for single-mode timelines

Added support for sorting a single-form mode timeline

Save the default timeline period (Year, Month, Date)

You can now save the timeline period for your searches. 

When creating a new timeline report you can select the default time period by changing the Period Type selection.

You can also adjust the timeline period when editing an existing timeline view. 


Add remove users in Bulk (User Groups)

We've added the ability to add or remove users to/from an user group in bulk. 

To add or remove users click on the Manage Users option on the user groups screen.

Search for 1 or more users

Tick the rows for which groups you wish to add the users to and untick the groups you wish to remove the user (s) from

And click next

Review your changes and click Submit

Add business no column

You can now add the company business number to the contacts grid

You can also filter this coloumn as needed

Workflows Updates (Action Buttons)

Bulk Assign Select Status Action

You can also bulk assign a select status action button with this release.

To assign a mapping user field value via the action button tick the forms you wish to bulk update

Then select the Bulk Assign option

Select the field you wish to update and assign a value to it and click next.

This will update the forms you selected with the value you assigned to the mapping user field.

Modern Form Designer

Add a list to a section

Now you can add a list control to a section when configuring a modern form.

Support for Contracts Admin

We've added support for adding custom form layouts to Modern Contract Admin forms.

Add spacer row to Section Control

Added the ability to add a spacer row with a section.


Clear notifications in bulk

You can now bulk tick off your notifications using the new bulk clear notifications tool.

Click on the Tick off All option from the menu on the notification list

User Fields

Calculation - Non-List user fields

Added ability to use any user field on a form for calculation configurations.

Types of calculations supported

  • Add
  • Subtract
  • Multiply
  • Divide

Support user fields are

  • Number
  • Currency

Calculation - Re-Calculate existing forms

When the configuration of a calculation field is updated, it will automatically update all forms using that calculation field with the new value based on the new configuration.


Push quick text

Added utility to Push quick text from one project to another

In order to use this utility - you need to be a project admin and have access to at least one quick text

Question/Use CaseAnswer/Expected Outcome
Which quick text can the user see in the utility?Quick text the user has edit rights to
Quick text is applicable to a form type in one project but that does not exist in target projSkipped/Ignored. Will not be pushed across
Applicable user does not exist in other projSet applicability to Doctype Admins
One of the applicable users do not exist in the destination projCopy the available ones only
Editable user does not exist on the destinationSet Editable to DoctypeAdmin
One of the editable users does not exist on the destinationCopy the available ones only.
New quick text on source pushed to the destinationAdd to destination
Quick text Active on the source, Deleted on destinationReactivate
Quick text Exists on the source, exists on the destinationOverride settings