My Password Has Expired, What Should I Do?

My Password Has Expired, What Should I Do?

Some RIB CX projects are setup so that end users passwords expire after a defined period of time.

If your password has expired, when you attempt to log into your RIB CX project the following screen will be displayed.

To update your password:

  1. Enter a new password. Re-enter the same password for confirmation.

  2. Click on the “Agree” button.

You will now be logged into your RIB CX project with a new password.

If you access more than one RIB CX project using the same email address, then changing your password in one project will change your password in all projects that you have been given access to.

Password Strength Definitions

  • Very Weak – Numbers Only 

  • Weak - Letters Only 

  • Mediocre - Letters and Numbers 

  • Strong - Upper and Lowercase Letters and Numbers

  • Very Strong - Upper and Lowercase Letters, Numbers and Symbols