For Estimators
Learn about responding to Tenders, asking questions and submitting bids.
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Set up Tenders (Admins Only)
Learn how to set up Tenders for your project
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Create a Tender Package
Easily create and issue a tender package with the minimum of fuss.
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Invitation to Tender
Easily create and issue a tender package with the minimum of fuss.
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Updating a Tender package
Sometimes you will be required to update package information such as extending the close date, changing the main contact.
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Issuing Addenda
Adding or updating the tender documents is a simple and quick process.
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Answering Bidder Questions
Responding to bidder queries is super easy with Tenders Q&A.
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Accept a Bid Submission
When you are gathering prices for your own submission, instead of awarding a package, you will use accept package.
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Awarding a Tender Package
When you have completed all necessary clarifications and are satisfied with a bid, then award this package to the successful bidder.
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Respond to a Tender invitation
You've received a Tender Invite, what now?
Contained within your invite are details about the tender package and a link to your own private bidder page.
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Downloading Tender Documents
Find out how to download the documents to a package you've received.
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Submitting a Bid
Learn about how you can submit a bid for your package with iTWOcx.
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Locked Box Tendering
iTWOcx Tenders supports Closed Box Tendering.
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Dealing with Externally received bids
Received a bid outside of the iTWOcx System? No problem. Here is how you add it into iTWOcx Tenders to keep all bids in one place.
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Create, edit, update or Issue Addenda in bulk on all your package
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Tenders Training Video
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Learn about how to set up a Confidentiality Agreement
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Learn about how to send out a package with a Defined Returnable Schedule
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Learn about how to use the Bid Evaluation Report on a Package
. No matter whether you are the creator or receiver of the tender, learn how to manage your tender or bid submission.
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