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User Access Levels
The following lists the standard Access Levels:
- Guest - can only view the list of documents in a Document list.
- Staff - only users who are Staff/Manager/Director can access documents their companies are named on.
- Manager - only users who are Manager/Director can access documents their companies are named on.
- Director - only users who are Director can access documents their companies are named on.
Note: most users are Staff/No Special Rights.
Each user is assigned an Access Level in their user profile (go to My Details in the Contacts Module). The Security options can be set for the whole project by Role (e.g. Consultant, Managing Contractor, Co-ordinating Consultant) and by Company.
The Company setting overwrites the Role setting.
Company Security
Company Administration have the flexibility to allow individual companies to overwrite the project-wide access as it pertains to their company. It is possible for a company to remove control from Project Administrator(s) and/or the Project Module Administrators if their security standards require it. This gives the ability to delegate configuration amongst many people. Company Administrators are defined on the Company Details Page.
Within the Company Admins section of the Company Detail Page, Company Administration will default to the Project Module Administrators, as defined in the Configuration Module. The Project Module Adminstrators user group is depicted as [MODULEADMIN] and looks to the Project Module Administration Configuration to determine access. See diagram below.
The Project Adminstrators User Group is depicted as [PROJECTADMINS]. This user group looks up the Project Administrators defined on the Project Details Page. See diagram above.
- Create new folder; view and edit folders and documents in the Transmittal and Document register (Register Module Administration).
- Create new companies and users and edit details (Contacts Module Administration)
- View and edit distribution rules and saved searches (Config Module Administration).
- Receives all undeliverable emails (Postmaster Module Administration).
- Click the for a pop up window.
- From this pop up window, you can select the company, the users and/or user groups already defined in the configuration module. Highlight the entity and Click OK.
- You may select any combination of these to administer each module.
- You may delete out any users, companies, or user groups. However, it is essential that some combination of users, companies or user groups are entered.
- Click .
Warning! We recommend always using the pop up window to select the users, companies, or user groups. If there is a misspelling you could lock everyone out of the module.
Once saved the Company-wide security settings overwrite the project-wide settings for that particular company.
For more information on the rights of each Module Administrator Click Module Administration.
Company Security
Individual companies can set up the visibility of their documents by document type. There is the ability to restrict people outside their company to see certain document types listed in a register. The actual access to documents are described above however this control gives you the ability to not show documents in the register at all if you choose.