Control Sheet - Summary Enhancements

Summary Sections


(only shown when not linked budget mode)

  • Show Budget Transfers and Variations Separately


  • Original Contract Sum
  • Approved Variations
  • Revised Contract Sum


  • Configure which Forecast form type rows display.
  • Added Previous Forecast Column
  • Added Variance to Previous Forecast Column

Additional Changes

Net Gain / Loss

This shows only when control sheet is not in the linked budget mode.

Status Column

This is optionally enabled.  This column is able to be filtered.

  • Dynamically updating the Summary based on the selected filters.
  • Added a config option: Show Cost Code Columns in Summary?
    • Checked: include the per cost code breakout columns (previous)
    • Unchecked: don't show these columns. (new)
  • Capture the previous budget numbers on control sheet approval for comparison to previous / variance.