Approve a Claim

With RIB CX you can assess a claim and approve the correct amount based upon progress, whilst justifying any differences in claimed versus scheduled amounts.

To Approve a Claim

If the claim is correct and you don't want to schedule a different amount:

1. Click respond on the claim.

2. Change the status to Approved.

3. Change the addressing back to the the claimant.

4. Click Submit. 

5. A payment schedule will automatically pop up, Address this to the claimant.

6. Click submit.

To Schedule a Different Amount for a Claim

If you assess a claim and the amount does not reflect progress, you can schedule a different amount and state your reasons.

1. Click respond on the claim.

2. Select the line item you want to change.

3. In the % scheduled or Value scheduled, alter the claimed amount.

4. Enter a reason for this change.

5. Repeat for any claimed line item you want to change.

6. Change the status to Approved.

7. Change the addressing back to the the claimant.

8. Click Submit. 

9. A payment schedule will automatically pop up, Address this to the claimant.

10. Click submit.

Capture and Lock Variation Status and Assessment Amount at Time of Approval

When Approving a claim, for any variation on that claim, RIB CX will capture:

Item No, Description, Code, Unit, Type, Approved Amount, % Completed, Value Completed, Previous Certified, This Claim and Schedule.

Furthermore the following items are also captured :

  1. Assessed Amount

  2. Status Name

  3. Is Approved Y/N

And when viewing the approved claim, the information displayed will read from these captured point-in-time values so that they do not change if the variation is approved in the future.

The same applies for Payment Certificates (PPC) to determine if the Variation was approved or not for the Variation Of Assessment rows in the PPC.