Bulk Generate a Handover report
You can now bulk generate handover reports via a saved search.
Rename a user's Preferred Code
What is a Preferred code?
When a user is initially added a Project, they are allocated a Project code, in the background, iTWOcx also allocates each user a preferred code.
Typically these two codes will be the same. In certain occasions though, it may be required that a users project code is changed/updated. Renaming a user's project code does not update the preferred code.
However, the preferred code was what would be used when a user is added a new project, thus creating a discrepancy between the user's code between projects.
With this release, Project Admins and Company Contact Admins are able to rename a users project code along with optionally updating their preferred code to ensure a user's project code and preferred code will be the same.
Lump-Sum or Schedule of Rates line items when Creating Packages
You can now define whether a line item is Lump Sum or Schedule of Rates on the Price Submissions tab when creating a package.
This will be displayed on the bidder portal as well.
If a row is defined as a Schedule of Rates item and the quantity set to 0, the bidder only needs to fill out the rate
When awarding the Contract the rows for the contract will be populated based on what you've defined here.