File Naming Convention is used for matching: Doc number, Title, Revision that might come in various formats provided in the naming convention. This allows users to upload a file by enabling a field matching pattern specific to the format the user wants. This configuration uses Regex (Regular Expression). Regex is a pattern that accepts a set of strings in the file name that matches the pattern (and rejects the rest).
File Name Validation Pattern : This is where you type a Regex pattern defining which filenames are allowed to be uploaded.
User Defined File Pattern : This is where you type a Regex pattern to determine which part of a filename is used for the document number.
For example if the filename is D107_300_B15.2--_PBK_B01_–_12_V
You will need to input this as Regex: [\w-]{4}\_[\w-]{3}\_[\w-.]{7}\_[\w-]{3}\_[\w-]{3}\_[\w-]{2}\_[\w-]{2}\_[\w-]{1}
This is where you will find File Naming Convention Configuration: