A Company Administrator must be set up in the Administrators Section of the Company Contact Details Page.
A Company This is located via Project Contacts Register.
Click on the Company and scroll down in the right hand pane until you see Administrators and tick Advanced to see Module Administrators.
A Company Contact Administrator is determined in the Module Administrator Section of the Administrators Page (click here) in Configure.
A Project Administrator does A Project Administrator does not have the ability to add or delete users within a company unless they are set up as a Company Administrator in the Contact Details Page.
Note |
External users can be added when addressing a form by clicking on the action button and clicking on [Add an External Addressee]. Click here to see how to Add External Users. To see the list of registered external users for the project, click on |
Show External located bottom left of the Contacts List page. |
Add a New User to the Contacts Register
1. Click Contacts on the Project Bar.
2. Chose the company you want to add the contact.
3. Click [New User] on the bottom of Detail Frame.
4. Fill in the relevant details for the new user. Users are uniquely identified by their email address.
5. Choose if you want to add the user just to this project, to any project where the project you are currently in is the template for, or to any project where you are the Admin for.
6. Choose if you want to add this user to Security Groups and if yes then tick the checkbox.
7. Select whether this user will be an Administrator of no, one or more modules.
8. The password setting link will be sent to user's e-mail address, open that link.
In Adding Contacts, we just discussed how to add a brand new user, here in this section, we will discuss how to add a user who already has an iTWOcx account.
Just like adding an already existed company, there
Add a New User and Create Another Straight After
When adding a new user to a company, you can optionally continue to add more users by ticking the Create Another tickbox
If you are adding a user to multiple companies, the option will appear once the user has been added.
Add an Existing iTWO cx User
There are two situations for an existing user: they exist on the project you are working on or they exist on other iTWO cx project.1. Add a user which is already on the project you are working on.
User Already Existing on My Project
Under this circumstance, the system will remind you that the account exists in the current project and can not be added twice, click Close and click Close and enter a new account.
2. Add a user which exists on other projects of iTWO account.
User Exists on Other iTWO cx Projects
If you enter an existing account, you will be presented with the following message, you can click Close to click Close to add a different oneuser, or click Use click Use This User to User to continue.
By clicking Use This User, that user's information will be added to the corresponding company.
Note |
A user can belong to different companies on different projects. |
3. Synchronize with the template projects.
Like adding a company, a user can also be added to multiple projects that share the same template.
a. Access the user adding page. Enter the basic information, and tick the box on the bottom.
b. Click Save.
Note |
The company the newly added user belongs to should exist in both the template and child projects, or you can not synchronize that user to the child-projects. |
c. Click Save.
d. Click Done.
Display email when importing users.
Import Users
When importing users from the company details page, the details for the users will include, the users name, email address, whether they exist on the current project or not and their account status
Create and Add another user
When adding a new user to a company, you can optionally continue to add more users by ticking the Create Another tickbox
If you are adding a user to multiple companies, the option will appear once the user has been added.
1. Click on the Company you want to import users for.
2. On the right hand pane click Import Users.
3. All users belonging to that company are displayed.
4. Place a tick in the check box of the users you would like to import.